Arlen: Welcome to the e-Commerce Marketing Podcast everyone. My name is Arlen Robinson and I’m your host. And today we have a very special guest, Melissa Kwan, who is the co-founder and CEO of eWebinar, the leading webinar automation platform that saves you from doing the same webinar over and over for things like sales demos, onboarding, training, and thought leadership content. Welcome to the podcast, Melissa.

Thanks for having me. Arlen. Yes, it’s a pleasure, and thank you for joining me. I’m really excited to talk to you about webinars. It’s really an area that I really haven’t dived too far into on the podcast we’ve talked about. Live video. We’ve talked about, you know, getting out there doing a variety of different interactive mediums to market your e-commerce business

But I hadn’t really dived into webinars and webinars I’m familiar with. Cause I, I do webinars myself. I’ve been on several joint webinars, virtual summits and the like, but I haven’t really discussed it too much on the podcast. So I know you’re definitely gonna help navigate those waters with us and, and add value to how an e-commerce business can, can utilize webinar.

To benefit their business. But before we do get into all of that, why don’t you tell us a little bit more about your background and specifically how you got into what you’re doing today? Yeah, 

Melissa: so my name’s Melissa, and I’ve been in startups for, I guess, almost 13 years now. I used to say 12, but I think I’ve said it long enough that it’s been 13.

It’s my e webinars, my third business. They’re all in, all in technology, all startups, all bootstraps, so we’ve never raised venture capital. We have some friends and family funding, things like that. My first two companies were in real estate software. Being able to scale webinars, like doing the same webinar over and over again was a challenge that I had in my previous business.

So because we were bootstrapped, we always had a very small team, so I was everything except for code, and so I was the one that was doing all the sales pitches, all the demos, all the marketing, and then as we get a customer, all of the onboarding, all the training and all of that, Delivered through webinars, right?

Back then it was go to webinar. Now at Zoom, I mean, it’s the only way to get in front of so many people at once without hopping on a plane, right? The problem with webinars is people love them, but they are just not scalable because someone that was me had to do them live, right? And I was also digital Noma.

So not only was I doing them around the clock, like sometimes I would do like seven or eight back to back of the same webinar. I was doing them on opposite time zones of my customers. So I always dreamt of this perfect solution that would do my. Me while I can go and have fun or sleep more or really just do anything else.

Right. It didn’t make sense to have a person do the same thing over and over, let alone, you know, the founder of a company. Mm-hmm. . So my previous company was sold in 2019, and this was just like an idea that just like I never let go of, it’s like one of those things that like a. An itch you just have to scratch.

Right? Right. And so after that company was acquired, I decided like this was a problem that I wanted to solve, was I wanted to save people from doing the same webinar over and over again. Mm-hmm. , 

Arlen: that’s awesome. Yeah. It, what I’ve always seen time and time again on the podcast is when I listen to founders, is that so many times the birth of a company comes out of a necessity that they’ve had as a, as a co-founder, you know, kind of in as a, in a previous life as a, in a previous situation, previous business venture.

And then that’s what kind of sparks the whole magic and the idea of, you know, of a solid business plan. And this is exactly what you did. Because like you said with your previous company that you were with, you were saying, okay, there’s gotta be a better way. You know, I can’t always be, I can’t be all in all places at all times.

How can we, you know, improve this and automate this and that? That definitely makes sense and I can testify to the fact that it, it doing a webinar, it definitely. A bit of time an organization, not only the setup, the promotion, all of that has to be, you know, you know, time has to be put spent and, you know, you can only do one at a time.

And so the automation factor of it, I think is very appealing, especially to, you know, e-commerce business owners that are very busy and, you know, probably wearing many, many hats. So, you know, it’s, it’s really good to hear 

Melissa: how you’re, I mean, I, I think if you. If you think about like anything that’s live Yeah.

It just doesn’t reach as many people. Yeah. Right. Why are we doing a podcast? Right? Right. Because, you know, three years from now somebody might be able to download this cuz they’re looking for a certain solution or looking to learn something. Yep. Right. Like a what a live webinar is to an automated webinar is almost like what a radio show is.

Mm-hmm. to a podcast. Like, yeah, radio show is great and it’s fun and it’s live, but once it’s done, it’s over. Yeah, very true. And there’s no way to get back to that. Like there’s, there’s very, very limited reach. Right. So that’s kind of a good comparison. I think a lot of business owners are of course looking to, especially nowadays looking to do a lot more with a lot less.

Yeah. Yeah. And I think with the gay economy and things like that, people are starting to think like, how do I work? In my business. Right. How do I work more creatively Yeah. And be able to create the freedom that I, you know, started this business 

Arlen: for Exactly, exactly. You know, how do they work more on the business, not in the business.

And this is definitely a tactic that can, can help them do that. Now when we’re talking about webinars, You know, they’re, what I’ve kind of seen when I’ve approached other eCommerce businesses with webinars, have they thought about that as particular strategy? I think the initial, I guess you could say the initial fear that all businesses get is I see that glaze over their eyes where they’re like, all right, webinar.

Okay, what could I possibly do in a webinar? I’m selling a product. I’m selling wireless headphones, or I’m selling a sports nutrition drink. I’m selling whatever it is that they’re selling. How. Possibly get value out of a webinar. And so, I mean, what do you think are some ways that they can come up with a topic that would not only be engaging to their, their current customers, but even prospective 

Melissa: customers?

Well, I think that the super easy thing to do, like the low hanging fruit, is you would take your faq mm-hmm. , right? The frequently ask questions of your product. Like every product has an faq. Yep. Right. Why are you better than the competition? How is this made? When, when does it get shipped? Right? Do you cover, you know, do you have warranty?

How long does that cover? Is it hard to set up? How do you set it up? You know, all those questions. Mm-hmm. that in itself is your webinar. Right? Because you wanna be able to sell to someone without needing to talk to them every single time. Mm-hmm. , that’s the only way that you can scale your marketing and your sales, is if people are able to do their own research and have all those questions answered without having to wait for an email or wait for a phone call.

You don’t really wanna take that phone call. Yeah. Right. You’ve answered all these questions before, so it’s, it’s just, I, I really see a webinar as a different way of delivering your FAQ that someone may or may not read. Yeah. Right. It’s just a different, it’s, it’s not like once I do this, I don’t have to do something else.

Like nowadays, like you can’t really dictate where people do their research. Mm-hmm. where and when they consume content, you can only be there when they’re looking. Right. And I think as a business owner, what you wanna do is to have more information out there than your competi. Right. When your customer, when your prospect is doing research, I wanna have more information available than my competitor, because that also builds trust and credibility, and that also helps build the relationship.

Mm-hmm. . Right. I think nowadays people care so much more about the people behind the business than just the product. Right, right, right. Like, what’s the mission? You know, what’s the mission? Who are you, how is this company started? Mm-hmm. , what material is this? Right. I, I feel like. That’s only become a thing, right?

Yeah. In, in the recent few years. Right. It’s so much less about like the brand name and like what I can show off. Mm-hmm. and so much more about like what am I, what is the cause that I’m supporting? And all of this stuff can be communicated in a webinar and the major difference. Between a webinar and a traditional video.

I know every business owner already uses video, especially if you’re in e-commerce, right? The major difference between a webinar and a video is people go to a webinar and expect to be able to engage with the content. So maybe there’s like polls, questions, resources that you can take. But also be able to reach out to the host.

Mm-hmm. like to be able to ask a question. Whereas when you go to YouTube, like you know that that’s a one-way experience. Yeah. Right. You press play, you can pause it, you bounce. Right. But why, why people like webinars is because it’s more of a participatory two-way experience where I have a chance to reach out to someone and ask a question.


Arlen: Yeah. Very, very true. And what really rings true with me, cuz I’m, I, I’m seeing this time and time again, not only. Customers that I deal with in e-commerce space, but myself with regards to people these days, really just care about who is behind that company. And I think, you know, the webinar is a great way to, for business to really kind of share their story.

You know, of course they want to try to educate people around their products or product category. You know, maybe give some, some kind of brief demos, go through the FAQs like you said. But it’s also an excellent way to get that direct live FaceTime, or even if it’s, even if it isn’t live, that FaceTime interaction where they can actually tell about themselves, how do they birth the company?

What’s their mission? And you’re, you’re hearing that really from the, you know, the, the mouth of the, of the founder or you know, somebody pretty high up on the company that can speak to the, to the mission because Yeah. I. You know, I know for myself these days when I’m trying to purchase anything, maybe from a kind of a niche e-commerce site, I’m, I, one of the first things that I do is I go to that about us.

I’m just so curious about that owner and, you know, okay, how did they come up with this product? Where did they get started? How long have they been around? What’s their mission? Where do they source their product? All that type of thing. And so, I know I’m not the only 

Melissa: one. Yeah. And I mean, like, well, I, I wanna just differentiate.

When we say webinar, I, I mean at least in this, in this context, I think a lot of people think like a Zoom webinar. Right, right, right, right. Like while I think, I think there’s a place for that. Like I think there, there are, there is content that needs to be like timely, right? Yeah. It could be a certain launch or maybe you’re expecting a really big audience, maybe you’re an influencer.

Mm-hmm. and that’s where it really makes sense. But a lot of people don’t have that audience, right? They don’t have that influence. And maybe doing a one time webinar isn’t the best use of your time because like you mentioned before, like there’s lots of time into like promoting it. Sure people show up getting ads, like maybe making sure the tech happens on, you know, like everything goes smooth on on the same day.

Yeah. But what we do is we turn any video into a webinar experience. I see. So you can run it as many times as you want. And on the chat piece, what we do is we have an asynchronous chat where people can ask you a question through the e webinar experience. Mm-hmm. , if you’re there, if you happen to be there, you can hop to respond.

Just like any website. Right. When you go to a website, it pops up, Hey, Arlen, can I help you? Mm-hmm. , if you’re there, you can respond, but if you’re not there, Spawn later they’ll get an email. Okay. So even though the webinar’s automated, you never miss a question from your customer and that’s what they love.

Yeah. Right. Yeah. And as you mentioned about like being able to show your face, like there’s something about showing your face behind the product. That’s why you look, go to any Kickstarter video. Yeah. There’s the founders talking about the story, why I made this, Hey, this is how it works, this is how we make it.

This is the factory. Like people really feel connected to that. Mm-hmm. . Right? It’s so much more. A commercial, right, where you’re only seeing the product and I kind of equate the situation to like infomercials. Mm-hmm. like they’ve been playing for like when I was a kid. Right. There was an infomercial channel that would play multiple products on repeat.

Mm-hmm. just to see someone talking about it. People can dial in, ask questions, you can buy it on the spot. Right. They’re, they’re demonstrating it to you. Right. Yeah. It’s not really rehearsed. Right. It’s just there, like, that’s like the what, what the new webinar could be. I think nowaday. 

Arlen: Exactly, exactly.

It’s so right. And I do recall that in my child as well, those webinar channels, a lot of times there were late night infomercials where, you know, people were talking to the, to the details of the product, demonstrating it, even fielding phone calls actually. So, you know, same type of thing. They were even doing that back in the day, getting live calls.

People were asking about it. So yeah, very, very. Now as far as the kind of the. These podcasts. You mentioned a couple things. Of course, low hanging fruit would be that going through the FAQs, sharing your story, how you got started, your mission, the things that you are, you know, you stand behind as far as maybe the sourcing of your products.

But are there any general, other general rules of. Thumb, you know, when it comes up to coming up with the content and the format of it, you know, whether it be a slide deck or you just do a talking head type video, you know, custom graphics or just something totally unique. What, what would you recommend for a business kind of just getting started into this?

Melissa: I mean, I think the most important thing is the content. Like the most important thing is a script. Right? Right. Some people feel comfortable in front of the camera and they should do that. Mm-hmm. . Right? But some people feel nervous about that. Yeah. So don’t do that. Right, right. Because the delivery of that content is.

Like is also very important. The delivery of that content is just as important as the actual content itself. Mm-hmm. . Right. So for me, like for my doubt, because I’m in software, I have myself a slides deck and a talking head, you know, in the corner. Yep. I know some people aren’t as, Comfortable in front of the camera.

So they might have their intro as, you know, a talking head. And then the rest of it is just the recording of the screen. Mm-hmm. . So it’s, it’s kind of a mixture of two. Some people don’t wanna be on camera at all. Yeah. But that’s okay because you’re at least getting that content out there. You can at least sound, you know, enthusiastic.

And I actually did a workshop. Before, which I can share in the show notes of this episode. Mm-hmm. , I’m guessing their show notes, right? Oh yeah, that’d be great. Yeah, definitely. So I can share that. So I made a workshop before on the five elements of an effective on-demand demonstration. Mm-hmm. , and it’s basically like how do you structure a presentation to get people to a close without talking to them?

Because the thing is everybody can sell one on one, right? Right. You come into my store, I talk to you on the phone, I can. To you. Yeah. I know. If you’re happy, I know if you’re upset, I know if you’re frustrated and I can react to that. But not everybody like can sell, knowing that you’re not going to talk to the other person.

That’s actually a whole other art form. Yeah. Right. So if you know that you have 15 minutes with someone to do a presentation, but you never get to answer their question mm-hmm. , you never get to react to them. How would you structure your presentation differently? Yeah. So I did a workshop on that and it’s, it’s super simple.

Okay. It’s basically you have your agenda set. You tell them exactly what to expect in the next 15 minutes. You talk about the status quo and the. Right. What is existing on the market? That’s a problem that induced you to start this, to start this company or build this product. And then you talk about the major features, but not the actual features itself.

You talk about how these features have impacted somebody’s life. Mm-hmm. , right? By using this, this is how their life improved. Okay. And then you talk about some customer testimonial, some life cases because people love that, right? The new sales is community driven, and then you just ask for the. It’s really that simple, but it brings people through the mindset of like, okay, like I do have that problem.

Mm-hmm. , right? As you’re talking about the competition, I do have that problem. Oh yeah. This is, this is my solution. Yeah. And then, oh yeah, I do need to buy this. And then that’s when your buy button kind of pops up. I gotcha. 

Arlen: Yeah. So you’re, you’re trying to cover the basis where you’re thinking about. What are some common things that people are, have or common questions around your particular product that people have and then you’re just really answering them.

Cause I understand what you’re saying. It’s not like you’re, you’re there in the store, you’re on the phone with them one oh one. You 

Melissa: gotta kind of, you have to address their objections before they come up. Yeah. Yeah. This is a major difference between selling one on one and selling one to many. I see.

Where you’re just doing it through a video is how do I, how do I take away as much risk as possible? Right, right. How do I take. As many objections as possible by addressing them before they even come up. I like, that’s really the, the art of, of creating this presentation. 

Arlen: I understand that, that makes total sense.

Now, you know, the, the bottom line with pres presentations, with these webinars, with really any marketing strategy is, Ultimately you want to use these vehicles to increase your sales, to increase your, your traffic to your site, your online store, your, your brick and mortar, whatever it is. And that’s the main thing.

And so what would you say are some effective ways to to promote the webinar? Once you get it out there and once you launch, it’s. So that you will continually get a maximum turnout if, if you’re doing, uh, you know, maybe you’ve scheduled it out or you’re doing an automated one on, you know, over and over again.

The whole goal is you want more and more people to see it. Cause like you said in the webinar, you’re going to be, you know, responding to these objections and giving people. Reasons to purchase. So what, what would you say are some ways to really get it out there? 

Melissa: I mean, the first, the most important thing is making it accessible.

Okay. Right. But you can’t do that if you’re doing one live session, because if you’re doing one live session, the promotion is very simple. Mm-hmm. , it happens on December 15th. Everything you do goes to that particular date. Yeah. Right. You can send newsletters, you can get your, you know, post and forums, slack groups.

You can do some ads, but everything’s driving to that one date and, and that’s it. Right. And people go, that’s great. If they don’t, then you’re, you still gotta do it. Mm-hmm. . But the only way to get as many people into your webinar as possible is to. Yeah. Because at that point, if it’s running for a year, if it’s running for two years, doesn’t matter if people show up on December 15th, right?

Mm-hmm. , they can show up on that. They can show up on the 16th, 17th, it doesn’t really matter. Mm-hmm. . Right? So once you use a software, whether it’s ewe or something else, to automate your webinar, your website is the number one marketing channel you have. Yeah. Right? Everybody comes to your website, so you need to make sure that your sales pitch, or let’s say it’s your demo.

Mm-hmm. , right? I think, I think people really. Stuck on the fact that a demo is a demonstration of the product itself. Right. But it doesn’t have to be. Mm-hmm. , A demo is an introduction of your company. Yeah. And the problem that you’re solving, it doesn’t, you don’t even have to show the product at all. You can just show some photographs or some, some slides mm-hmm.

right? Just to like what people’s appetite. Right. So let’s, let’s say you’ve got your demo webinar ready. Make sure it’s on your header of your website. It’s on the photo of your. You’ve got a, you know, a little popup that comes up. So we have widgets that you can install on your website. So as soon as you go to your website, there’s a little thing that says, Hey, join the next demo.

Or you can name it, you know, whatever you want. So just make sure it’s super accessible. Yeah. And then there’s so many places that you can, because it’s happening all the time. The pro, the promotion of that webinar completely changes. Mm-hmm. , you can have that on your business card. You can have that as QR codes on all the ads that you.

Right. You can have that in the signature of your email. Mm-hmm. , all you wanna do is make sure that that is front and center of every single piece of communication that you send out. Yeah. Right. Every single newsletter that goes out, like every single newsletter, doesn’t all go to your customers. Something goes to your, goes to your prospect.

Mm-hmm. . So you can make sure that that’s embedded into every single newsletter. Yeah. So we also have another article that I’ll share in the show notes as well, which is 25 Ways to Promote Your Evergreen Webinar. Mm-hmm. and some of these methods are already in there, but the really cool thing is because it’s always happening, you could just make that an asset.

That sits in all the other advertising assets that you, that you already have that goes out. 


Arlen: right, right. They have very, very powerful stuff. I mean, I think it’s, you know, getting that exposure that you’re already, cuz you know, you’re already getting the traffic to the website, you’re already getting your customers that are, you know, in the flow.

Maybe it’s the, you know, the notification emails, your transaction emails, you know, there’s, there’s so many touch points that you already have. Customers and prospects, people that are joining your list. And so I, I get it. It’s just you really have to really announce these things or front and center, and then you continually have a flow where people that are joining the list or that are purchasing your products, they know everyone knows.

That, you know, you have this webinar and it’s on this day and this day and this day at this time. And so they, they, they know when they can access it, what can, what’s gonna be covered. And you know, it’s just 

Melissa: there for them. And because it’s happening all the time, you can now embed it in some evergreen assets, right?

You can look for blogs and ask them to, you know, back link to you. You can write a blog, right? On a similar topic mm-hmm. and embed that webinar. Inside that blog. You can go to websites like Quora, right, and answer questions and link to that webinar. As the, you know, as the answer to that question. Mm-hmm.

Right? There’s just so many things that you can do now that it’s something that is just perpetually going. Yeah, 

Arlen: yeah. Definitely. Now let’s get ready to, to wrap things up, I wanted to see if you could highlight or mention some examples of some e-commerce businesses or some companies in general that you’re familiar with.

That do consistent webinars and, you know, they get a high turnout and that have really provided, you know, true value to their, their end customers 

Melissa: and their prospects. Yeah, so there’s a company called Mag Fast. Okay. It’s like a battery company. It’s mm-hmm. , you know, those external batteries, but their whole thing is, it’s so powerful that it can jumpstart a car.

Yeah. Yeah, I’m familiar. So, yeah, so it’s called Meg and they actually just started shipping out the, the actual product. It’s been, it’s not Kickstarter, it’s the other one, but let’s say it’s Kickstarter, cuz I can’t remember that name. . Gotcha, gotcha. Um, but it’s like a Kickstarter campaign product. Mm-hmm.

Mm-hmm. and they have a Steve Jobs. Type webinar. Mm-hmm. , where, you know, there’s a big show, they talk about the battery, what the problem is, and it’s like a one hour long webinar. Okay. Since they’ve started running it, I, I wanna say it’s been like two, three years. Mm-hmm. , they’ve sold over 14 million Wow.

Worth of product. Mm-hmm. only through webinars. They don’t market through anything else. Wow. Is their only channel. Okay. And this webinar happens all day, every day. They buy Facebook ads, they’re constantly targeting people, they’re retargeting people, they’re getting people to send up to their referrals.

Mm-hmm. . That whole thing. Their case study is actually on our, the customers page of our website. Okay. But that is like the number one case study of mm-hmm. , how an asset, like an automated webinar can help you sell product without you there, but also be able to address customers concerns because they can also ask questions throughout.

The experience and you can answer them, you know, at your leisure as well. Yeah. That’s, 

Arlen: that’s powerful. That’s a huge testimonial. You know, 14 million in sales over, you know, a few years strictly from what they’re doing on webinars. And like you said, they’re not doing any other type of advertising, so that, that really does speak volumes to the power of webinars.

And you know, that they’re a product company, you know, they, they make a. Said these are backup or devices and things, uh, that they send out, like ultimately a battery, which is demonstrable, and you know, people have to get their hands on it. And so I, I definitely can see how that works and how that can make sense.

And so, yeah. Really there’s a lot of power, a lot of power in these, in these 

Melissa: webinars. Well, the thing is, I think a lot of business owners are, are already using videos, so it’s not that big of a leap. Right? True. Like what, what eev is, is I think people hear the word webinar and it scares them. Yeah. Because it’s like, It’s like, well, I’ve never done a webinar before.

Yeah, right. It’s like public speaking. Mm-hmm. . That’s the beauty of webinar automation. Yeah. Is that it’s not public speaking. Mm-hmm. , you have your, you know, your best demo ever, your produced video, or it’s just, it’s just you, right? Mm-hmm. , you can edit it. And then all you do is you upload the video. Yeah.

And that becomes your webinar. Yeah. Right. And like that’s the, you don’t care. It doesn’t matter if no people show up. Mm-hmm. because you’re not there. Right. You don’t have to kind of deal with that embarrassment and fear. Right. I think a lot of people are like, well, if I do a webinar, is anyone gonna show up?

Yeah. And then if I’m by myself, am I gonna be able to handle the chat? And those are, those are real issues. Yeah. Right. And that’s why we created the product. So if you’re already using video to market and you believe in video, it’s really not that big of a leap. Mm-hmm. to take the exact same video and put it in ewe.

Right. Because you want, you still want the video in a YouTube. Mm-hmm. because it gets you eyeballs. But in the comment of YouTube, you can put anything you want and because you know the webinar. A better experience because throughout the experience you can also program in things like polls, questions, resources, contact forms to make it a fuller, more like participatory experience.

You can in the comments in YouTube, drive people back to your site, right. Or drive people back to the webinar. Mm-hmm. . And the reason you wanna do that is because it builds a deeper relationship. And as they answer those polls and questions, you’re actually gathering data from them. Yeah. Right? So you can ask things like, how did you hear about.

Right. Do you like this feature? Do you not like this feature? Mm-hmm. , what do you wish we like? What do you wish we can do more of? Yeah. Right. Do you have any questions for me? Right. And that’s why it’s a better experience, but don’t think just because you put it in Youwe, you can’t put it in YouTube. Yeah, exactly.

And you can’t put it on your website. Mm-hmm. , you should actually be putting the same video in many different places. Yeah. Because the way that people consume it and the mindset that they consume, depending on what medium is different. 

Arlen: Yeah, that’s true. Yeah. A lot of people, I think, think that, okay. Just because you put it out there in the webinar.

You know, a vehicle and you’re, you’re promoting it that way. You can’t use it anywhere else. You’re like, okay, if we put it somewhere else, we put it on our YouTube channel. People aren’t gonna sign up for the webinar. But that doesn’t, that doesn’t matter. The whole goal is, yeah, it doesn’t matter. Yeah. The whole goal is to really increase the amount of views that you’re getting on it.

You, you’re trying to educate these people. You’re trying to come against their objections and get them to buy your product. So like, I really get it. Makes, makes a lot of sense. Well, this is definitely been a powerful segment here on the podcast, Melissa, because we’ve learned, I’ve learned a. And I know our listeners have as well, and you know, I’m gonna kind of, I got my, my, my wheels are turning in my head because we, we’ve used auto made webinars internally in our company to kind of help educate and onboard some of our customers.

And so I’m, I’m kind of already thinking of some things that our, our team kind of needs. To get going on to kind of improve getting that out there more and even exposing it to prospective customers. So yeah, I’ve definitely learned a lot myself personally. But, you know, lastly, before we do let you go, I always like to close things out with one kind of closing fun fact question.

If you don’t mind sharing one closing fun fact about yourself that you think our, our audience would be interested to know. 

Melissa: Yeah. So I have been a digital no man for four years. Okay. Um, the last home I had, I grew up in Canada, but the last home I had was in New York. Decided that paying for rent in New York was not as fun as taking the same amount and just paying for Airbnbs like somewhere else in the world.

Okay. Okay. So that like started our journey four years ago and we eventually found Amsterdam. We loved it. So now we have a home base there, but we mostly just travel. So as we’re talking, I’m, I’m in Hong Kong 

Arlen: right now. Wow. Awesome. That’s, that’s good stuff. And I understand what you’re saying as far as, you know, paying rent or paying a mortgage.

Specific place, you know, it, it can get old. You know, there’s definitely a level of excitement to be able to do what you’re doing, a digital nomad and being able to just say, okay to, for the next couple months, you know, I want go to Hong Kong. Maybe after that I want to go to to Spain or wherever you decide to go.

There’s definitely a lot of people that that got going to do that because you know, you learn a lot. There’s a lot to learn when you’re in a different locale, different country, different people, you know, so that can really, yeah, it’s just fun. . Yeah, exactly. Fine. For sure. Well, thank you for sharing that, Melissa.

I appreciate that. Appreciate having you on as well. But lastly, before we do let you go, if you don’t mind sharing the best way for our listeners and our viewers to get in touch with you if they wanna pick your brain anymore about webinars 

Melissa: and webinars. Yeah, absolutely. So the best way to get ahold of me is connect with me through LinkedIn.

So my name is Melissa Kwan, k w a n. And if you’re curious about ewe and how it can help you in your business, just go to ewe.com. There’s a demo that you can join at your own time of. Delivered through ewe as well, so a very meta experience. I’m always managing the chat, so if you have any questions about the product or my journey, whatever that might be, just type in the chat box and I’ll be right there.

All right. 

Arlen: That’s awesome. Well, thank you for sharing that, Melissa. We appreciate having you on on the e-Commerce Marketing podcast. 

Melissa: Cool. Thanks so much you. 

0: Thank you for listening to the e-Commerce Marketing Podcast.

Podcast Guest Info

Melissa Kwan
Co-founder and CEO of eWebinar