Visitor Analytics

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About Details

The Website Intelligence Platform is Visitor Analytics - a comprehensive, user-friendly analytics tool that is compliant with privacy regulations. It offers three categories of insights: website statistics, visitor behavior analytics, and visitor communication. Website owners, digital marketers, and demand specialists can obtain a complete picture of what is and isn't working on their websites. Over 2.5 million websites already benefit from the platform, which provides easier access to core metrics, a better understanding of visitor behavior, and an improved visitor experience.

By collecting and analyzing website data, such as session recordings, conversion funnels, heatmaps, click paths, and traffic structure, users can obtain real-time insights into visitor behavior. Poll and survey features are available to help receive feedback from the online community.

The platform is available through a free forever plan, multiple native plugins, easy onboarding, and a one-click Google data importer, making it easy to test drive.


Free Plan Available