OSI Affiliate Software

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About Details

The OSI Affiliate platform offers a comprehensive solution for businesses looking to engage in affiliate and influencer marketing. By utilizing the OSI Affiliate plugin for Shopify, your brand advocates and affiliates can access a variety of promotional tools through their dashboard to effectively promote your brand.

Want to know how everything works? Here's how it works:

  • Your affiliates sign up on a page that can be changed to fit their needs.
  • Once they've signed up, they can use a dashboard with a unique affiliate link and a variety of tools for marketing.
  • The OSI Affiliate Wix plugin keeps track of sales that came from their link and figures out how much commission they are owed.
  • Your control panel makes it easy to manage your affiliates, keep track of how much money they make, and pay out commissions.

Here are a few of the most important reasons to use our software:

  • Use influencers to spread the word about your brand and reach new people.
  • Talk to your customers and turn them into brand loyalists and promoters.
  • Make it easy to reward customers who tell their friends about your business.
  • Build strong partnerships to get more visitors and make more sales.
  • Get feedback to help you improve and fine-tune how you run your business.
  • Use strategic marketing to grow your email list and reach a wider audience.

Find out why you should choose the OSI Affiliate Software Wix Plugin for your business:

Our affiliate software platform is one of the most reliable and effective options out there. It has been doing a good job since 2006. Our team of customer success professionals is well-trained, experienced, and knowledgeable, and they are ready to help you use our software to its fullest potential.


From US$40.00 / month