Venchito Tampon is the Co-founder and Marketing director at SharpRocket, an agency focused on quality link building, outreach and strategy. He specializes in link building, content marketing, and client acquisition. He and his local team works with different clients of different sizes and types (small to medium brands, SEO agencies, and Fortune 500 companies) in the US, Australia, UK and Canada. 

Welcome to the podcast Venchito. Thank you Arlen for having me. It’s a pleasure to be here and wanting to really give value to your listeners. Okay, great. I appreciate it. And it’s good talking to you as well. I’m glad you’re on link building is kind of an area that my I may not have delved too deep into before this podcast.

I’m really excited to talk to you about that as well as content marketing. We’ve had the various takes on content marketing, but I know you’re going. Really bring some value to the conversation as far as link building and content marketing goals. But before we get into the subject of today, why don’t you tell us a little bit about your background and specifically how you got into what you’re doing today, right?

Sure. I got into the online marketing industry and the year 2011, so I became a Content writer there for you, Bob. Company, so I started from that and then been involved in the SEO industry. So I was hired by John Cooper one of the best link building experts in the world. And so he hired me to be his link prospector so you got into.

The all of the Rhythm ants and the link building from link for suspecting Outreach down to the content creation. And so I learn about it. And what I did is I started my own SEO blog it was digital Philippines dotnet and so from that simply just posting all of the learning. It became a measure of clients in the first year and in 2015.

I started my link building agency with me partner Joseph who now handles the operation side. And so we are here in Manila Philippines. We are based and we are a team of 18 link Builders, including our all of our virtual assistants and our content writers. Okay, great. That’s awesome. Well, you definitely got into.

The field I would say it really a good time as many of our listeners know SEO and as you can probably testify to the fact that SEO has changed quite a bit and it continually will change and a lot of it is really spearheaded by Google and the changes that they make in their algorithm changes. All of that is really totally spawned by Google these days link building is really there’s really a huge focus on link building more so than ever I think.

Because not only is link building important but I do believe content is also really a big, you know, it’s pretty much where it’s at, you know content building and Link building really kind of go hand and hand these days. So I think you’re really on point is to where you are in your career now for all of the listeners out there that aren’t really too familiar with the process.

Why don’t you tell us a little bit about what is link building? And what is the best way that you ca for an e-commerce company to get started doing it? Basically link building is a just a discipline in marketing for and you are based on the term. You just actually getting or earning links from other relevant websites that will.

But whatever side that is and not just drive traffic, but also generate some assisted conversions helping those visitors actually know more about your brand and hopefully buy your products or services. And so when it comes to, you know the best methodology, so I think there are a lot but at least give you some.

All of the techniques that we’ve been using listen Agency for most of our e-commerce clients number one would be to actually start with connections and Partnerships because if you are a whether you’re a retailer manufacturer or supplier of products, you would always find our to buy pages. So let’s say for example, you are a retailer.

You can just make an inventory of all the products that you sell online and just check manually each manufacturer of those products. So simply by reaching out to those owners of all those manufacturers and if you can actually see pages that are dedicated to listing down retailers, then you can actually get a link.

Simply by doing that kind of Outreach. And so you start with connections you start with all of the Partnerships that you had whether it’s an offline or online thing. And another thing is that I’ve seen this with all of the eCommerce sites are a lot of blogs or websites that might or that have mentioned your products or brand name, but when giving you the actual length, so if you can actually track those mentions and say simply just.

Sending them pictures and saying hey, we’ve noticed that you mention us on your blog that data and then from that you can actually link from that simple page. You can actually gain a lot of lace in the first few months. If you haven’t done that and probably one of the underrated and even forgotten methodology is the for room marketing because in 2009, I think in 2011, it’s been you know, many marketers have spam.

Bots of the for room size. And I’m looking for room marketing from Ellie generation perspective and I just trying to spam the Treads with links waiting to the sides but basically giving value by answering questions in forums. If you look at that, it’s not just getting a link but actually driving potential customer service website and letting those methodologies those approaches will really help you get started with the there’s some really great advice, you know 41.

The first thing that you mentioned is far as building relationships that’s really kind of where it all starts as forming these relationships and you talked about what you can do is there may be a lot of companies out there that are referencing your brand or your company, but not giving you a link or maybe they’re linking to an old piece of content or something that maybe.

Not where you want to direct people maybe it’s older landing page. And so yeah, one thing you can definitely do is reach out to them for sure. Another thing that I mentioned to companies that I deal with and I’m actually in the process of posting a video on this because we put out a lot of SEO videos here at Omni started to help Enlighten our customers and recently launched the channel actually called the e-commerce Brothers.

Channel on YouTube and they’ll be putting out a video where it talks about a little bit about what you said as far as forming these relationships and one thing that you can do also is to really try to get some of the Heavy Hitters pointing to you people that have a higher authority. Is you can link to them and then don’t ask for anything and just start forming relationships that way just link out to them and various articles and then just let him know I linked to you.

This is a great piece of content. We really appreciate it. And that’s one way to kind of get your your foot in the door. So yeah, it’s just something else wanted to add to that which I think is very useful and something that an e-commerce business can take advantage of right away now. I know the listeners that are out there can be a variety of businesses a variety e-commerce businesses or people that are working for e-commerce businesses on the marketing side and one question that I typically get with regards to any type of marketing is and specifically with link-building.

Is this something that can really be done internally. Buy a business owner or somebody that’s in charge of their marketing or can it be outsourced or what is your take as far as getting started with link building but it really depends on the industry. If you are in a very competitive space, you might want to not just do it internally as you get all of the processes were trying to you know, hire someone or illegally agencies to do that for you because the thing is when you are doing it internally it will require you.

To set up processes because sooner or later when the demand for length is increasing it will require you to just hire more members and make sure that the prospecting the content creation and outreach are all set up so you can do it internally, but just make sure you already have some setup process documents for you to scale the entire process or the entire campaign and.

Link building Reagan, of course, for example, you can just simply you know, hire a freelance writer to do the content for you graphic designer to create the formats and make sure the page is visually appealing to its targeted visitors and so on and so forth and so on there are just certain areas in link building where you can just simply outsourced but make sure if you’re doing it internally you have to set up processes with Outsourcing is that and I always get this a lot because.

They’re bad companies, especially link building agencies will simply just you know, send you all of the live links they’ve acquired for your website. And but if you look at the quality of those things it’s doing more harm than good. So if you are trying to Outsource it make sure you do some research the quality of the length.

I really recommend e-commerce site owners to get some recommendations and referrals is a good indicator to really check. If the agency has high reputation is but if it’s can perfect in really give you the quality links that you’re looking for. That’s really good. I appreciate that answer and I think one of the key things that you mentioned and I think not only internally do you need to have your own process documents but I think for even for the Outsourcing I think that’s really a key thing because I think a lot of times especially these days.

See it’s a lot easier these days to get Freelancers and get people to do stuff remotely, but you can’t just hire somebody and just expect them to run with stuff. You have to have things documented. Well, otherwise, you know, it’ll be frustrating not only for the remote worker but also for yourself as far as you know hand-holding that you may have to do if you don’t have your process documents in place, so that’s really the main key thing.

I think. No matter what. The process has to be in play for both sides of it now Switching gears a little bit because I know you’re really really an expert also on content marketing these days you do have to be creative because I think as you can probably agree on the internet is really diluted. I think you could say almost with just a ton of just content some of it a lot of it is really no good.

And so. In order to have content out there that’s really appealing and attractive and in order for people to link to your content. What are some creative ways that you can suggest to do content marketing the key is that it’s not just making your you know, I forgot fix or visually appealing all of those things, but really trying to identify your audience or when getting you should actually create content assets that will let you.

Give you the first initial set of links, but can actually in the long run and actually help your site earn links even without doing Outreach. And so one of the key ways is to actually create a Content that’s targeted to linkable audience. So this term linkable audience is was coined by guarded French of solutions lab.

So basically linkable audiences. Are you. Groups of people are creators of pages that have their own resource pages. So for example for the recycling or the disposal page, it’s simply list down all of the references and resources and that given topic and so how you can actually approach your content marketing by targeting linkable audiences.

Simply, for example, if you’re selling batteries, If you’re an e-commerce site that sells batteries you can actually either Target echo or to create a huntable battery recycling or if you are targeting teachers or parents, for example, you can create a guide or a research guide about battery 101 for the kids.

The thing here is that you’re increasing the chances of your content to gain so much to length. And in the long run if the page is able to rank for keywords, then it will be referenced by other Publishers. Once they find it to Google search. And so those things I think creating a fondant asses for a targeted audience is one thing another methodology that I think will really is very effective nowadays is creating an asset about data or statistics because this type of asset is mostly you know, reference be Publishers and content creation.

Our congregation teams or content creators and so the opportunity to get an A rating is very high. And the last thing is to recreate broken Pages or dead pages. So what you can do is to actually reverse engineer your competitors and see what are the pages that already given them links that have been shut down by them that you can actually recreate.

So these are the pages that are broken, but if you look at this. Using a link analysis tools, you’ll find out that the this page is have gotten a lot of links. And so when you create that content make an improved version of it, what you can do is reach out all of the blocks or sites linking to the original content and then from that process you can actually get a lot of links to that great.

As far as you mentioned, of course creating this content. That’s really the heart of it creating content that you want people to link to and. Kind of flipping it then once you’ve got that content created and like you said if it is solid content people we want to link to it, but then on the other side of it is.

You want to get a link out there on these other sites? And so how does a company determine? What’s a good site to get a link on is there are two criteria that you typically follow and what is it? I think the basic thing is number one should be the site or the block should be relevant to yours anything.

Even if it’s Common Sense already. I think there’s a lot of SEO selling Builders even marketers was still trying to get links from irrelevant sites and the case that it’s not. Again, the quantity of length that you’re after looking for, but you’re also trying to you know, make sure that the site or blog is relevant to your search.

That’s the first factor and the second one. I would say it’s the type of thing that you’re getting because this type of length is something that people can click on and so they will be able to jump to your website and probably either you know, Follow you or get to know more about your right and hopefully buy your product or service.

So the thing the type of thing is very crucial if you’re actually executing link building campaigns in terms of metrics. I think it really depends. I think there are companies who are very keen to you know daht FDA or Moz, but I think one thing that’s not been discussed over and over is the sem Rush organic traffic to the thing is when you’re trying to get a link from.

Website or blog you want to know if that side is getting is ranking for multiple keywords. And it has had it happen is it will drive you consistently traffic over and over once you get a link from that so I think traffic conversions relevance and if you can actually get a link from Brand to Brand, you know context I think those things will really matter if you do you want to you know, Make sure that you maximize that your efforts and tingling.

Yeah, you’re totally right. The key thing. I think is the fact that it number one thing you should look at is if the site is relevant because I think really kind of on the early days of the internet and before Google was just as sophisticated as it is now as cos, I think we’re in agencies were out there.

Just trying to get as many likes as possible on sites that weren’t even relevant and. That may have worked 10 15 years ago something like that. But these days the Google algorithm is really Advanced. So, you know, I think back in those days. It was probably at in its infancy right now. I think Google is probably at the genius level that’s already a cruise through her college.

And so it’s a big difference right now. So you do have to be smart about what it is that you’re doing and just the main thing I think to think about is is this. Something that is going to is this link that I’m going to put on this site first it was irrelevant and does it add value to the context of the actual content.

So you want to make sure that that is always the case and that it makes sense for the reader because you know, that’s ultimately what Google says and I think that’s what they really stand behind is ultimately they just want to make sure that things that are indexed give people. A great experience a user a great user experience.

And so if you’re searching for some particular keyword, whatever is returned, their whole bottom line, is that really what the person was looking for and is a good experience once they get there. So that’s the key thing there now, we’ve talked a lot about the link building and I know that process and it’s just something that I know you’re doing on an ongoing basis for those businesses that.

Are you upset? I guess they just getting started with it. Is there a rule of thumb when it comes to the amount of links that are that’s their business should strive to get let’s say on a monthly basis and how do you determine this? The answer is again? It depends because we have experiences with clients were in you know, one client you would like to you know, build 20 or 30 lengths at the maximum level.

Some religious just wanting to you know, 426 length, but there are things that I really recommend for especially For You vertical your end. So if for example you surance coupon space, there are a lot of sites there are a lot of sites are actually engaging in the link building. So they’re trying to you know, get 50 60 even more links per month.

So in that case you got to keep up with the pace of the of the link acquisition they’re doing so that would probably be your mark in a sense. But not just about the quantity, but make sure you know, you’re trying to achieve a higher quality level in terms of length. Next is the only thing at the vertical but also checking your competitors.

So you can use Link analysis tools like, you know age reps or even assume rush just to see getting there’s one this one term and that is the link below acity. Basically link velocity is the speed the number of referring domains aside. Every month or week where? It’s organic red to outreach. There’s no really good number for every site.

You really have to do your own research. I’d really looking at the vertical for either looking at the order of the competitors that you’re trying to you know, dominate over and so yeah from those things you can actually estimate the number of range. Let’s say 10 to 20 links from one. Okay? Great.

Yeah, that is a great advice there and I’d appreciate your honesty and that it’s really hard to tell but yeah. I think every business or industry is going to be a little bit different and it does really depend on the particular vertical a year in and what your end goal is with its link building.

And so that totally makes sense. Well, then Cheeto. I really appreciate you coming on here today for this episode of the e-commerce marketing podcast. You’ve definitely been very insightful with regards to. The link building on that you’re doing day in and day out as well as you know content marketing and at this point, I like to always close things out with just one other quick question that I kind of switch gears.

It’s my closing fun fact, so we learn a little bit more about you. What is one. Fun fact that our ideas would be surprised to know about you. I’m Fab. I think I don’t know how to ride a bicycle or motorcycle. Okay. Okay. That is an interesting fact. Okay, so you don’t don’t know how to respond.

Well, I don’t know how to ride a motorcycle myself. So I think I can join you on that one. I do know how to ride a bike ride a bicycle and you guessed it really is never too late to learn. So yeah, definitely something I encourage you to do. I do. Hope I can. Occasionally here in the Orlando Florida area where I live in yeah, it’s a great great exercise and it’s good to get to get out on a bike.

Yeah. Okay. Great. Vinci du will finally if our listeners would like to pick your brains anymore regarding link building a Content marketing. What is the best way for them to get in touch with you? Sure. I can visit my website triple. W dot sharp bracket that combat pH. That is sh. AR Broc that pH or you can send me an email at the then she totem pole at

That is ven. CH I Tota mpo and at and send any questions. You really want to know more about link building if you want to invite me to speak at your event or even your podcast want to make sure. I really want to make sure we’ll give you some more value to your listeners margins. Yeah, that’s it.

Okay, great Vegeta. We appreciate that and I know our listeners will take advantage of that and reach out to you as well. And once again, thank you for joining us today on the e-commerce marketing podcast. Sure. Thanks for having me already. Thank you for listening to the e-commerce marketing podcast.

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Podcast Guest Info

Venchito TamponCo-founder and Marketing director at SharpRocket