Arlen: Wellcome back to the eCommerce marketing podcast. Everyone. I am your host, Arlen Robinson. And today we have a very special guest Matthew Montoya who has crisscrossed the country over the last seven-plus years to 46 states, helping, in person, over 13,000 small businesses and non-profits to better understand how email marketing can affect growth and what design and automation can mean to the bottom line. In his 18 years in marketing, he’s worked on nearly every kind of marketing vehicle around, from print, broadcast, social, web and now email marketing, he’s seen and had a role in it all. From working as Marketing Director for several major newspapers to helping a nascent non-profit grow beyond expectations, and now for 7 years with Constant Contact, he’s been on the front lines of today’s marketing challenges. His extensive background has helped these thousands of small businesses and non-profits rethink their marketing strategy to meet the demands of today’s marketing environment.

Matthew: Well, thanks Arlen. Thanks for having me. 

Arlen: Yeah. I’m super excited to talk to you today. And what I wanted to also mentioned before we get into the subject of the day, of course, which is email marketing, your kind of bread and butter of what you’re doing there with constant contact, or we get into all of that.

I did want to mention while our listeners that if you’re listening to this particular episode before Wednesday, August 26th, You’re 2020. Of course we do have an upcoming joint webinar that I’m going to be doing with Matthew. And I’m super excited is basically this webinar’s going to be, the title is entitled.

Why referral marketing and email marketing are more important than ever in the age of COVID-19. So we’re going to dig deep into referral marketing and email marketing, and you know why every business really needs to leverage the both, especially in this. Phase of COVID-19 where there’s so many business shutdowns and why Cannes and you name it.

So, yeah, interested in attending that webinar and you’re listening before August 26, 2020, you can simply go to get OSI done. Come forward slash webinar. That’s get forward slash webinar, and you can sign up from there, there, and we’ll be glad to have you in the webinar. Super excited to do that as well.

With Matthew. But you know, as I mentioned today, we’re going to be talking about email marketing and, you know, deep into that today, before I get into all of that. Matthew, why don’t you tell us a little bit about it, your background, and specifically how you got into what you’re doing today? 

Matthew: Well, you gave me such a great intro there.

I don’t know what else I could add, but in my bio, some people may pick up on that. I worked as a marketing director on newspapers work at constant contact. Oh well, that’s, that’s the real piece that connects all the dots. No, it’s actually that. Experience at the small nonprofit. And just for some context, um, because some people may be in a similar situation.

I do know that having met with so many small businesses and nonprofits, many people are, and to explain when I was at the newspapers, I felt like. Well, the writing was on the wall for the printing industry and I wanted to, uh, I wanted to broaden, and so I jumped ship and I jumped ship. Yeah. With, um, the over in Bishop.

So ego of a early 30 year old. Yeah, well, I’ve worked at these newspapers and I am AI. You know, I can move up to Massachusetts to get a job. It’s not my fingers. Well, what I wasn’t paying attention to was the global economic situation of 2008. So I found myself in Mikey, you go sitting there without a job and, uh, had to take what I could get.

What I could get was working at a nonprofit, small nonprofit. When I say small nonprofit, I was staff member, number two of two. Now that was really informative. For a couple of reasons. And again, coming back to your audience, one. When you’re a small organization, everybody does everything. So it was the executive director in me.

And I had to do all of the marketing. I had to do all the constituent relations, all of the bookkeeping, everything in the back end, keep up the website, et cetera, et cetera. And so that taught me to be really resourceful and think quick on my feet and try to leverage every minute. And every dollar we had, but it directly ties to what I do now, because one of the things I did there.

Was realized we needed an email marketing platform. I did research, I chose constant contact for my nonprofit and I help through constant contact. And this is not, yeah. Hi, verbally. We were months away from going extinct and primarily through. Email marketing. We were able to rapidly grow the nonprofit by leveraging the power of communication and relationships through email marketing.

And, um, I also got to know the, the great folks at constant contact. And as the next chapter of my life started to become clear that, I mean, the dirty little secret about nonprofits is that they don’t make money. And so, um, if you’re wanting to grow your career, It’s a little tricky. And so I’m, I leveraged those connections at constant contact and ended up getting a job at constant contact, but not forgetting what the role of email marketing did for us and not forgetting the power of email marketing.

Arlen: Great. Well, yeah, that’s awesome. That’s a, uh, excellent, uh, story and testimony. And you know, when you think about it, we’re dealing with nonprofits. I think really, like you said, they, you know, obviously in the name of their nonprofits are not typically a profitable entity. So I think they really do live and die by the relationships that are built and that they form.

And these days without email and having a solid strategy, I don’t know. You know how they can really survive and exist. So, yeah, I think you were kind of right on it to jump on that. So you’ve kind of, I’m sure you learn trial by fire working with that small group there, but I know that kind of brought you to where you are today.

Now I definitely want to kind of dive deep into this topic of today of this, of course, email marketing. But when I was thinking about the subject, I thought about something that came up, maybe this could have been 10 years ago, maybe even longer, but there was a point and you can maybe refresh my memory where people were like, you know, this is kind of when the social media really just took off.

Text messaging was exploding. And, you know, we have all of these ways of communicating. There was a little thing that came was going around saying, okay, is email dead. And you know, I don’t know who sparked that or what sparked that people were saying, okay. Are all of these other platforms really going to.

Get rid of the need for actual emails. And so that talk was kind of circulated around for a little bit, but I think it did quickly die off. And so my first question is really wide. Now, do you think email marketing is really more important 

Matthew: than ever? Yeah. Well, I do know that story well, because when I started at constant contact, that kind of story was percolating quite a bit.

You know, email marketing is dead. It’s all about Facebook at that time. And there’s a couple of avenues. I’ll take you with that answer. Firstly. When it comes to, let’s kind of look at the world as it is now. I don’t want to throw stones at any social media. I mean, certainly social media has a role. It’s a piece of your marketing plan, but it’s not the sole piece, nor should it be.

But if we look at the world of social media right now, there’s a lot of controversy right over who owns what in social media, what power does social media have? And one thing I encourage audiences when I speak to them, it’s really think about what social media is. It’s an advertising vehicle. They’re using data and information about you and your context to promote things in front of your eyes.

And that’s great. That’s what it does. Let’s all just own it. But when it comes to email marketing, one of the things that has allowed it to stick and, you know, constant contact’s been around for 25 years. One of the things that’s a lot of stick is that you own your contacts. Those are your contacts that can’t be taken away.

You own that relationship. And you’ve mentioned the word relationship, and I think that’s the second key piece of why email marketing still here. If we think about email marketing with social media, for the most part, this is not universal, but for the most part, the relationship on social media, when it comes to businesses and to a lesser extent, nonprofits is a little it’s loose.

It’s temporary. Oh, I like that. And you just go, it’s not a deep thought action, but when you solicit for somebody’s email address and they give it to you. That’s really powerful, right? Because somebody that goes to your website and sees a place for them to sign up, to learn more. If somebody hears a podcast and learns of a way to sign up to your email list, to learn more, if you know, God willing, we get back out into the physical world and people meet you and you hand them a business card.

And they, they joined the mailing list. They are already at least pre-sold or half sold. They believe in what you have to say. They may not ultimately convert and buy your products. They may not ultimately convert and buy you, but they’re already half sold. Right. They’ve shown that first big step. And that’s not necessarily true on social media.

In the last piece of this puzzle is a realization that people need to have on the impact of email in their daily lives. When I’m in front of an audience, they’ll say, Hey everybody, what’s the number one app on your phone? And somebody, I don’t know Facebook, or, you know, Twitter, my camera. No, it’s very, very likely.

Your email client. You’re probably in that email app more than any other throughout your day, whether you’re clicking directly on the app or you’re going to your notifications, you’re likely to paying attention to email more than almost any other communication you get. And the fact that after 25 years, we still rely on email as a communication tool, proves the value and the ability to retain relationships and motivate people to take action.

I see email marketing lasting beyond some popular social media, quite frankly. 

Arlen: Yeah. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, you’re totally right about it. There’s something that. It’s just a little bit him. It’s more of a personal connection, personal relationship you have, somebody’s giving you their ag. I mean, it’s almost these days since we’re really in a, in a virtual world, it’s almost like someone giving you their physical address in a way, because if you think of it that way, we’re in this virtual world, that’s a direct form of communication.

You know, that I can reach this person by sending them email to that address. You know, it’s going to go in their inbox. They’re, you know, they’re going to have opportunity to. To look at that. So it’s a similar concept now, you know, we do know you kind of touched on this as far as when the, of social media kind of percolating about it, taking over no longer being a need for email your personality.

That that’s definitely not the case, but. There is really a huge, I want to say, not only emphasis on social media, but you know, all of these brands out here, the eCommerce brands, regular brands, they’re, they’re all are focusing on their social media campaigns. So really just kind of gain visibility. The brand awareness out there.

So they’re doing all of these efforts, but within the same token email is still exists. So how does a brand successfully coordinate what they’re doing on social media, via social media campaigns with marketing and part of they successfully coordinate those efforts or social media efforts with their email marketing efforts and their email list building.

How can a brand successfully do that? Well, 

Matthew: just after what may have appeared to be trashing social media, I want to make clear social media has an absolute role to play in your marketing and has a role to play in email first and foremost, especially if those listening have not undertaken or recently undertaken email marketing.

One of the biggest benefits of social media is allowing you to identify popular content. So I think from an eCommerce perspective, It’s very easy for people in primarily e-commerce activities to do nothing but promote here’s product, product, product, product, product, and that can work, but it’s not as effective as keeping it building a relationship building trust.

All buying is emotional. And one way you can build trust is by developing content that resonate. Thanks with your audience it’s relevant to your audience and delivering it to them. Certainly from an email marketing perspective, the concept of filling an email with nothing, the product, nothing but sell is ultimately going to fall flat.

And the reason why it’ll fall flat is because not everybody needs what you have to sell right now. You know, if there’s a sales cycle of things. And so when it comes to email marketing strategy to a lesser extent, social media strategy, staying top of mind is critical. So that the moment they do realize they need X, boom, you got them.

They’re seeing your, your social ad. They’re seeing your Google ad and they’re getting your email. And so the biggest benefit of social media is for you to float up content ideas, float out different kinds of contents. See what kind of comments you get back, see what kind of likes you get back or retweets.

And that gives you some idea of the kind of content you’ll want to develop for your email, another strategy in concert once you do, or if you are doing email marketing is to drive traffic back and forth to each. So. Not best practice of course, is to drive them to your website, your blog, or your, or your store from email.

But occasionally you want to drive people to social media so that they can connect you there, give you those comments, likes retweets, et cetera, discover that you’re there another platform where they can hear from you. And then occasionally drive them back. So those that are on social media, so let’s get them for their email dress so they can get unique contents, special deals, special offers, discounts that, okay.

They can get an email marketing if we can focus specifically on e-commerce one really great thing to offer people. When it comes to email marketing is almost an insider’s club. You’re going to get information and discount. I don’t offer anywhere else. And you stick to that and what’ll happen is if you’ve verted them to be true believers, they like your product.

They feel that you’re a sincere organization. They see the humanity in your company, what you sell and do. If they believe in you, if you have a relationship with them, they’ll be waiting for that email. And they’ll feel privileged to be part of this. Again, lack of a better word club. And so social media is a great way to grow your email list.

And the relationship as we’ve talked about earlier is deeper with email subscribers. Didn’t generally with social media subscribers. Yeah. 

Arlen: Yeah. For sure. Yeah. One thing you did mention that I want to kind of dig into that, you know, kind of links to my next question. A lot of small businesses, I, you know, I talk to small business all the time.

I’m day out about what they’re trying to do, marketing wise and. What I always hear consistently of to some, some of the startups, they know they need an email list. They know this, of course, an effective way to communicate with their audience or prospective customers. And, you know, they can get that up pretty easily on their site.

You know, these days there’s a ton of tools to integrate into their, you know, their websites. Yeah. It’s fairly easy to get that going where people can register. I think where a lot of businesses really struggle with is alright, you know, I’m, I’m getting this list. I’m sending you traffic to my website, it’s growing.

It’s like, alright, what do I send out to these people? But I think, you know, their first thought of course is going to be because as an entrepreneur, a business owner, their first thought is like, you know, I got to get sales. I got up, I got to drive, I got to sell this stuff. I got to drive my products. So, you know, they want to just.

Send out emails that just says, you know, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, and that’s, I think everyone’s first impulse, but then, you know, as you know, and I know that’s definitely not the best strategy, like you said earlier, you have to create the relationship. And if you’re just selling, selling, selling, you know, people are going to get turned off.

And, you know, you’re not going to do that much engagement, right. If that could be as effective. So you did mention, I guess one strategy, of course, as far as all right. You know, cause the business owners listening are going to be like, alright, if I don’t sell, what am I going to tell these people, what am I going to send out?

How do I create this content? You did point out that a great way to do one great way to do that is going to be useful social posts and see what’s resonating with your followers. And then, you know, that can kind of dictate what types of content that you can get out. So that’s definitely a great suggestion.

Other than that, let’s say it’s a new brand. Maybe they don’t have that many social followers. So, you know, it’s kind of hard for them to gauge what people are interested in. What are some other ways for any commerce brand to determine, you know, what types of content that they can use in email 

Matthew: campaigns?

Well, if you’re even a little bit of established, one thing I’d encourage everybody to do is pay attention to what questions you’re getting from consumers, whether that’s phone calls, calls, whether that’s online, pay attention to what they’re asking you, those FAQ and turn those FAQ in the content. Answer those questions.

Give context around why the answer is the answer. Often when people are asking you questions, right. Actually giving you gold because they’re improving your business, they’re improving your product. Also handing you content. So pay attention to those questions. Similarly, pay attention to the comments. If you’re doing online, selling pay attention to the comments.

If you see a glowing recommendation, Contact that person. See if they would flesh that out into a testimonial for you. If not see if you can’t grab enough of that content, you had to turn it into a story. Another thing to really, and this is a little harder, but two entrepreneurs are seasoned business folks, nonprofits.

It should come easy. I mean, you’re an expert in what you do. You started this business, you started this organization, share your expertise. Here’s the things I learned. And for good or bad. Here’s what I learned about X here’s. What I learned about why always try to dovetail it back into what you sell them to, but don’t be afraid to share your expertise that helps you build the humanity.

Similarly, take a look at your digital Rolodex, meaning that you, as a business owner, you as an entrepreneur, you as a nonprofit. You likely know a lot of people, your industry kind of related to what you do. Right? An example I’ll give is I just did a presentation to a real estate brokers nature. Right. And I got the same question.

What can I write about besides just listing my property? And I said, well, if you think about your end user, which is going to be somebody that’s either buying or selling a house, what do we know about them? Well, one thing we know is that they’re likely by herself. All right. So what is related to a house?

Well, there’s a lot, right? There’s pool repair. There’s roof repair. There’s hurricane prep. There’s curb appeal or there’s landscaping. So look through that digital Rolodex, who do I know that is an expert in something related to what I do and see if I can’t tap them for some content. It doesn’t always have to be nor should it always be about you.

You can actually build a stronger relationship with people when you don’t always talk about yourself. And the last thing I’ll put in there is keep that last comment I just made in mind as much as you can, for both social and email content, keep the end user buyer, your potential buyer, your subscriber, your follower.

Keep their lives in mind when you’re developing, is this going to help them? Is this going to help them understand what I do? Is this going to help them buy my product? Educate them. They’ll reward you by following you, that rewards you by opening your emails and ultimately they’ll reward you by buying your product.

Arlen: Yeah, definitely. For sure. That’s some great suggestions. And the key there is, like you said, the education piece to it because when people can definitely learn from your company and you’re giving them solid sound advice. They know that, you know, of course, ultimately you want them to buy your product, but people can really tell.

We don’t really want solid and what’s not. And so if they can trust what you’re telling them, that that really can go a long way and they kind of stick with you from there. And you know, another thing that can be done is like you said, you have to really kind of step back to get in the shoes of your end customer.

What things. Would they be interested in what things do they need to know around my product that can maybe help them either make a decision or just help them in general, in that particular niche? Like I’ve given this example before, it’s pretty good. When let’s say you selling camping goods. I mean, you’re selling tents, you’re selling all types of camping supplies, sleeping bags, the whole nine, you know, anytime you’re going camping much, if you’ve gone camping before, but you may, you probably have, can imagine it’s a lot that goes into it.

You know, you gotta find the camping site. You had to learn what to do when it rains, you got to learn how to properly store your, your garbage, you know, from, from animals and things like that. So there was a whole lot that goes into it and, you know, say you’re selling camping supplies just outside of what you’re selling.

You know, you can easily create some really informative emails. You could even include videos of how to maybe properly assemble a campsite, how to properly find the best campsite you name it. You know, those, you can apply that really to almost any industry, as far as, or what’s really kind of the psychology of what people need to know around my product.

That’s going to really help them be effective no matter if they’ve purchased my product or not, you know, and just kind of think about the customer. 

Matthew: And if I can touch on that just a little bit more. I talked about the sales cycle and I want everybody to really think through that piece of the pot, because unless you’re in certain industries, primarily restaurants, not everyone’s going to need what you have to sell all the time.

Right. And it may take, depending on what you sell on the price point, it may take people months to make a determination that you’re the right choice and by you, or it may take years for them to buy from you again. And so the reason why both you are Lynn and I are kind of harping in on this, this relationship piece and the educational piece is the, keep them top of mind.

I always like to think of the sales cycle, like a clock. No, some people are at 11 o’clock and midnight is the time they buy. And I don’t mean literally the hour, but if we can imagine a bell going off at midnight and that’s when they decide to buy from you, some people are at three o’clock and it’s going to take a long time for those clock hands to go around, to connect to midnight so that they buy.

And so you want to make sure that you balance your marketing out across all channels, not just email with roughly 80% education advice, building relationships and keep 20% of it. Selling that way. If somebody is at three o’clock, you’re giving them information, you’re continuing to build a relationship.

You’re giving them useful advice and you’re prodding them along around that clock to midnight. But for those that are at 11 o’clock well seeing your product in that, in that marketing is going to push them over the edge and make them buy in. You know, one thing that is really important to remember an email marketing is that constantly selling.

We’ll turn people off in email marketing, but not for the reasons you think email marketing is most effective when it’s relevant to the audience. And if we think about the people at that three o’clock position, they’re not ready to buy yet. If you’re doing, doing nothing but selling to them well, that’s irrelevant.

Right. They’re not ready yet. And so what’ll happen is they won’t unsubscribe to you. They won’t work you with spam. They’ll just ignore your email. I guarantee you every listener listening right now in their inbox have emails from organizations that they’ve bought from donated to attended believe in that they just don’t see in their inbox anymore.

It’s there, but their brains are kind of just glossing over. It. It’s become white noise. It just doesn’t exist. And most likely it’s in that spot because at some point. That organization taught you that it’s a relevant and that’s a really dangerous spot to be in. 

Arlen: Yeah. Yeah, that, that is so sure I can. I’m thinking about my inbox and I can think about a couple of companies where that fall into that category, where, like you said, I haven’t unsubscribed, I haven’t marked miss span.

I know at some point I may need it, but it’s just like, there’s no value in what they’re sending right now. So it’s like you said, it’s white, this white noise. So that is definitely so true. Well, you know, get ready to wrap things up. I’m a huge advocate of. Looking at what some of the larger brands are doing, because you can really learn a lot from the big guys, because, you know, as we know, there’s billions and billions of dollars that go behind decisions that these large brands make.

So what are some companies that you are familiar with that you’ve dealt with? That we have some standout and effective email marketing campaigns that we all can learn 

Matthew: from. Well, I know you wanted a big company, but, um, I’m going to share actually itty bitty tiny organization. That probably, well, honestly, most of you have never heard of it’s called the national aeronautics and space administration also known as NASA.

Obviously it was joking there, but NASA, we are at constant contact, very proud to, to have our customers have constant contact. They use constant contact all the time and, um, Internally, we’ve been extremely impressed with how they’re using our products because while our focus today is even marketing constant contact offers, landing pages and social media, advertising tools, social media management tools.

We offer a website, building tools, e-commerce solutions. We’ve got quite a few things and NASA has impressed us. Not only by the quality of their content. Really great. I mean, you’d expect educational content from them, but really great content, but they’ve also been bridging all our tools really smartly.

So one of the things that’s impressed us the most is we obviously being primarily an email marketing tool. We have tools to help people grow their lists and they leveraged one of our features to grow them list by the hundreds of thousands a week. Now, of course they have a big megaphone. Everybody knows NASA.

And in particular, they’re promoting a venture. Uh, sending in this actually happened pretty recently sending a robot to Mars approach and, um, they built a whole campaign around it and they used all of our tools really, really well. So if you, if they, you know, they were using our social tools. So if you saw them on social, it point you back to this registration form where you could join their mailing list.

If you joined them on mailing lists, they made sure to promote on social media. If you saw them on social media, they’d. Also drive you to their blog. They really tied all these pieces together. Really, really great. And while not a business, they are certainly a model for how you retain the relationship piece.

You may be sitting out there and like, well, what do they sell? Well as a government agency, they need people to believe in what they do and follow them and have a relevance. To our budget and our national concerns, but more primarily, you know, they are selling the eyeballs themselves. Like they need that viewership and attention, and we’ve been incredibly impressed with how they’re leveraging our tools to get that attention.

Arlen: Great. That’s awesome. Thanks for sharing that. And that’s definitely not a brand that I would have thought of for sure. Or they’re not really a brand, like you said, a government agency, but that’s good stuff that is good to know. And, you know, for the listeners, are there, you know, to try to take a look and gleam in what they’re doing, you know, it’s pretty easy to, to go to any of their sites or their social platforms and, you know, get added to their list, follow them on social and you can kind of see what they’re doing.

And they’re really great. Get some ideas, so, yeah. Good, good stuff. And I appreciate you mentioned that. Well, you know, at this point of the podcast, we really appreciate, of course you coming on Matthew, awesome. Learning a little bit more about email marketing and how it can be effective for eCommerce companies.

I definitely know. I learned a lot and I know our listeners will have as well, and this goes a long way with them, but I always like to kind of switch things up at the very end here and just change gears. That’s where our audience can get to know you a little bit better. So if you don’t mind sharing one closing fun fact about yourself that you think our audience would be interested to know about you.


Matthew: I don’t know that I want people to know this, but I’ll share it. So all good kind of fun facts happen in your teen years. And this one is true. When I was 17 in high school, I was the Easter bunny at my mall. So they bring kids down. They take a picture of you. That was me and the Easter bunny suit.

And, um, it was, it was, yeah. Yeah, very interesting experience because one, I didn’t know, going into it, would it be like it was actually at first really fun because I was completely anonymous. I was hidden behind this mask and this big bunny suit, and it was really fun to just kind of be the Easter bunny and see the kids’ faces light up and, and, you know, lead the parade.

We had an Easter parade in the mall. The hard part was, you know, I’d finished class, I’d go to the mall. And, uh, we were in the center, kind of sun filled court of the mall. And I’m sitting in this furry, Easter bunny outfit with a big head on that. Doesn’t have much air coming in or out of it sitting in a rocking chair.

And I, I would fall asleep in that. Wow. Hi, more than once I woke up to a kid sitting on my lap, talking to me, getting a picture taken. And I’d be like, Oh, how long have they been here? And my photographer would say, y’all, you know, we had about seven kids coming out of here. And I’m like, I wonder how many parents have pictures of a sleeping Easter buddy out there.

Arlen: Wow. That’s funny. That’s a great story. I appreciate you sharing that. Yeah. I could imagine, um, being interesting, but you’re like you said, you can only take so much of that in the heat. And then, you know, the time that you’re in that. 

Matthew: Yeah, well, you know, you’re doing it after school and it’s not, I wish I had been awake, but, and on top of that, they had a fountain there.

So, you know, you can imagine being hot hearing the trickling water or the fountain. It was a recipe for taking a nap. 

Arlen: Yeah. The funny thing is that they never knew you were asleep. I was like, 

Matthew: you know, I had no idea. They had no way. 

Arlen: Yeah. That is funny. Thanks for sharing that again. And, um, you know, lastly, if any of our listeners want to get ahold of you or pick your brain anymore about email marketing or anything related, what’s the best way for them to get contact?

Matthew: Well, I mean, as, as a marketer, I’ll do a, what you did at the top. I would encourage everybody to attend our webinar. Um, we’re going to share this kind of, you have information and much more it’s on August 26, [2:00] PM. Eastern. I know you have a special link, so I’ll let you mention that. But, um, I’ll be sharing some ways that people can contact me there and it’s gonna be a little easier for them.

They don’t have to write it down and we’ll looking forward to teaming up with you and, and sharing even more insight and education. 

Arlen: Okay. That is awesome. And, yeah. Thanks for mentioning that. As I mentioned at the top of the recording, we have that webinar in the August meeting at [2:00] PM. It’s why referral marketing and email marketing are more important than ever in this age of COVID-19.

And to register for that, you can simply go to get forward slash webinar. That’s get forward slash webinar will be myself and Matthew teaming up there. They went two different Dar joint presentations and I’m sure all the listeners will get a lot out of it. Okay. 

Matthew: Great. Well, it’s 

Arlen: been awesome talking to you today, Matthew, and we really appreciate you coming on to the eCommerce marketing podcast.

Matthew: Well, thanks for having me and everybody take care. Hope to see you next week. Thank you. Thank you for listening to the eCommerce marketing podcast.

Podcast Guest Info

Matthew Montoya
Channel Marketing and Enablement Manager at Constant Contact