Arlen: Welcome to the eCommerce marketing podcast, everyone. I am your host Arlen Robinson, and today we have a very special guest, Charles Palleschi, who is the founder of Spark Shipping, which helps eCommerce retailers automate their connections with their suppliers & vendors. He first got his start with eCommerce when he purchased a small eCommerce site. It was during this time he found a need to automate parts of his business. That need inspired Charles to create Spark Shipping, the leading eCommerce automation software which has helped the leading eCommerce retailers automate their inventory, pricing, orders, and tracking. 

Welcome to the Podcast Charles!

Charles: Yeah. Thanks so much for having me on. 

Arlen: Yeah, not a problem. Yeah. I’m super excited to talk to you about today. The topic is going to be hybrid drop shipping, and you’re going to definitely enlighten us on that and kind of an inappropriate topic for this time of year. We’re in the holiday season, depending on when this airs, it’ll probably be.

December, late January, late September, excuse me. Oh, early January. And uh, you know, people will be kind of in the midst of either receiving gifts or preparing to order some things. So it’s definitely very timely. And I know all of the eCommerce businesses that are listening. We’re ramping up things on their end to get orders fulfilled and do some final pushes and final holiday promotions and things like that.

So, uh, you know, shipping is, is definitely a huge component to making sure you have a successful eCommerce business. But, you know, before we get into all of that, why don’t you tell us a little bit about your background and you know, specifically how you got into what you’re doing today? 

Charles: Yeah, it goes back quite a few years ago.

I was doing, um. We had a small software development agency kind of build spoke software applications, that sort of thing for all sorts of different folks. Somewhere in the middle of that, I purchased a small eCommerce site, ran that for a while. I think at the time I worked with probably about five different suppliers, so kind of ran that for our bet and kind of had these challenges of just.

Each supplier had, you know, their set of skews, different identifiers, different inventory, different way to send them orders. They all sent back tracking in different way. Basically everyone just did something different and at the same time. Well what happened is I had a small office at the time, have a, had a partner, kind of an office partner.

All the returns would actually come back to the office. So it got to a point where they were like stacked up to the ceiling. I think you wanted to like kill me at one point, 

Arlen: but 

Charles: I would do this thing where orders would come in and I would kind of just turn around and look and say, Oh, I sit in the warehouse.

And basically the warehouse was this office, which wasn’t much of a warehouse, but whatever. And I would kind of just look at the boxes and go, Oh, that one’s right there and ship it out of the quote unquote warehouse. And if it wasn’t there, went back out to the distributors and they kind of shipped us.

So I started doing this as a hybrid thing, even back then where basically just visually just turned around and looked and saw if it was there, if not, went out to the distributors. And the nice part is I was able to save on shipping cause instead of returns going back to the way I was and then back out, I kind of optimize and say it doesn’t make sense to just send them from hair.

And if I have the stock. I’d much rather do that than pay like a restocking fee and all this stuff. So I’ll kind of skip ahead a little bit. Build some software internally to help automate that process. Started kind of saying, Hey, I think some other retailers could probably use this if you signed up, started kind of selling that, and then somewhere I’d say about four years ago, ended up saying, Hey, this is kind of the thing I want to do.

Sold off the eCommerce business. And then, yeah, I’ve been running this ever since. Great. 

Arlen: That’s awesome. We were talking about this briefly before we got started recording, but I think, yeah, we do have a similar background. We both started with our own development agencies, you know, developing sites, E commerce solutions and web applications, and did that for awhile and then created our own software platform, software as a service platform.

So definitely a, you know, similar. Backgrounds for sure. I guess the only differences, we, back in the day, we did not purchase any commerce sites, so I don’t really have experience on that side of things as far as eCommerce and retail sales or anything like that. But, um, these days we deal with. So many eCommerce businesses, I feel like I own an eCommerce business.

Cause you know, a lot of times when you’re dealing with business owners and you’re, you’re trying to help them solve problems, you really kind of get into the mix of what they’re doing. So I feel like I’ve, I’ve run a lot of different types of businesses, have been a lot involved in a lot of different companies.

So, uh, yeah, it’s been exciting. So yeah, we’ve got definitely a similar background. So you kinda mentioned this early in your, you know, when you were describing your background, you mentioned kind of where your whole idea of this. Hybrid shipping concept came from this hybrid drop shipping came from, and it would basically came from the need that you had with your eCommerce business, which is always interesting because I’ve talked to so many guests that tell me their product idea.

Their service offering really was birthed from a need that they have, and that’s always the, what I see to be kind of some of the. The best organizations, the best products, because they’re truly genuine. They’re based out of a, a problem that the owner actually had. So he’s, you know, really fully aware of what the issue is and what it takes to solve it.

And that’s, you know, where you are. So why don’t we kind of dig deeper into, you know, this kind of whole hybrid shipping to hybrid drop shipping and really, how exactly does it work? And you know, what would an average eCommerce business need to do to set it up. Yeah. 

Charles: It’s funny because I was just actually talking to another, a vendor partner.

Yeah. We do a lot of integrations and they were kind of asking like where we kind of see myself in a category and someone said, Oh, do you fit into it in drop shipping? And we always get that term. It feels like it became this like dirty word of like, Oh, you’re a drop shipper. Like it’s almost like looked down upon.

But even in this kind of, what we’re saying with the partner just now is, and I kind of learned this after running scratch shipping for awhile, all the largest brands do something like this. So they all have this hybrid model, just no one calls it drop shipping, and no one really kind of uses these terms.

But what they’re doing is basically they have. Some inventory that they own somewhere and it might be in their local warehouse or through PL, but they also want to cross sell and upsell and test different products and just offer different skews, right? And some of these distributors, maybe they can stock a hundred skews, 1,010 thousand but there’s distributors out there with hundreds of thousands, millions, and there’s multiple of them.

So you want to start going out there and saying, Hey, we want to test new product line. Do we really want to go out and. Purchase, you know, tens of thousands of dollars, bring it into our warehouse to see if it sells Stowe, just to realize, Oh, it didn’t sell that well, and then kind of go back, have to sell it all at discount and do it all again.

Or what I’ve kind of learned over time now working on some quite large retailers, is everyone kinda does this hybrid model. Just, they don’t call it drop shipping, but they basically stocking some inventory. There are winners, but they constantly either a testing the full. Catalog, they can get access to, or B, they just using it as like accessories, right?

So maybe they sell their core product line and let’s say it’s a shirt and maybe, you know, they want to sell a necklace. Something goes with it are not a great analogy, but just something that goes with that product, right? It enables them to do that and not have to go out there and buy both products, move them all.

Or in a lot of cases, products just big and heavy, and it doesn’t make any sense to just move furniture or TVs or just big heavy objects across the country to find out, Oh, they’re going back to those out of the country to ship them twice. Basically, you are a warehouse and back out, so almost everyone is doing some form of this.

Once you get to scale. But now it’s kind of something that I’ve started to see a lot of smaller retailers do as well, which is kind of nice. 

Arlen: That’s great. And I appreciate that breakdown of the whole concept, and I definitely see how, yeah, if a business is not doing it, I don’t really, yeah. I don’t really see how they can kind of branch out and take on.

Upsell items and other accessories and just try to do that all internally and stock all of that. It just, it really just from looking on the outside end, it doesn’t seem to make financial sense to go that route. So it does seem like the hybrid shipping, hybrid drop shipping model would definitely be the way to go because you don’t have to worry about stocking all of these items where you’re unsure about.

You know what the sales are going to be, and um, you know, you really don’t have your numbers together or any proven sales volume for it yet. So yeah, it definitely seems like a, the way to go. And like you said, there’s probably a ton of businesses that are doing it. They may not call it that. They may just say, you know, they have affiliated warehouses and things like that.


Charles: we have multiple warehouses and really just turns out it’s distributors, warehouses, so they all, all of that. That’s the funny part, right? If everyone’s going to be an honest. Almost of a retailer like smaller folks think it’s almost like a political or religious debate. Like you have to either be a drop ship or a notch, like it’s very binary when you’re small.

When you get large, it’s almost like you have to do bolt to scale. Like you just can’t get beyond a certain point unless you do both. So it becomes less of this like binary  and it just becomes more of this, we just have to to try to test or to just offer more products. 

Arlen: Right, right. It definitely seems like we’ve got to go that route now when I’m thinking about, you know, just a typical business going this route, and like we said, there’s so many businesses these days that are doing it, but they may not be calling it that.

Does it really work for. Any eCommerce business, no matter what type of product it is that they’re selling. And what’s your experience dealing with some of your customers in the various industries? 

Charles: Yeah, I mean, we’ve seen all different shapes and sizes. Anywhere from, we’ve had users with quite literally one skill to use is with like millions of skews, like three, 4 million plus skews.

And what the one skew, the benefit is, you know, they have one prize, they produced it, they obviously saw a ton of them, but then they get to try it out with some. Upsells and just, Hey, is something, we’ll go with it. And then when you’re talking millions of skews, the only way you can do that is if you reach out to distributors, direct to manufacturers, that sort of thing.

You just, you can’t stop that money. Even the largest retailers in the world can’t do that. So at all different sizes, you can use some form of us, and it’s almost like you, if you’re not, you’re leaving money on the table. Because if you’re selling today and you have any users. You can, if you’re just selling X number of products, there’s only so many, and maybe you could reach a larger number of users if you added on some extra sizes or shapes or whatever that is in your business.

And then same thing with the upsells, that sort of thing. You can just have more products. So there are accessories to your current products and to kind of warehouse. All of those just becomes a logistics nightmare. So I think only. I can’t see many cases where you can’t use something like this, let’s put it that way.

Arlen: Gotcha. That sounds great. So what I want to do now is really just kind of break it down and kind of make it plain for eCommerce businesses that are listening. And I think now then this holiday season I mentioned for probably a good way to create a little analogy. And it will probably be a good time for a business that wants to kind of test the waters to do something like this.

So let’s just say we’ve got an average eCommerce business. Let’s say they are selling women’s dresses, for instance, and you know, they’ve been doing it for a while, they’ve got a fair amount of success. They’re coming around this 2019 holiday season and they say, Hey. You know, from getting the feedback from our customers and from looking at the responses and the comments and some of our blog posts, it seems like we need to also consider some other accessories, maybe some handbags, for instance, some smaller handbags to compliment that.

We want to go ahead and do it, but you know, we don’t want to have to, we don’t carry these, we don’t make these in house. We don’t have these in our inventory. What do I do to be able to get to the point where I can offer this. For this 2019 season, what would they do? What are the steps involved? 

Charles: Yeah, I mean, the first thing is always retailers kind of come to us.

Hopefully, if they’ve already talked to the suppliers they want. So they find the person selling the handbags and they usually build that relationship first. So they’re kind of doing their own, you know, like we try not to like source products for them. So they do their own sourcing, which is kind of what retailers.

Want to be doing. If they are selling, let’s say the dresses kind of fit in with that example. Usually they want to source products that fit in with their look and fail and kind of on brand, right? So they saw some, and then usually the vendor kind of comes up with how they want to actually do the integration.

So that’s kind of for the retailers to find out. First and then from there, that’s kind of where we come in, where we can basically sit in between, let’s say like a Shopify, big commerce, Magento, WooCommerce, Amazon, any of those. And we can basically split apart the orders. So the dress orders can go to their warehouse and then we can split apart the manufacturer’s orders to go to their director, their warehouse, and then we can basically do that data translation in between, because all these different suppliers use a different format.

And that’s kind of the, that’s kind of the tough technical part with us, right, where. Each supplier. They’ve built their own tech stack, some built it, you know, in 2019 others built it in like 1980 so you might be working with one supplier that has some 2019 API and supply that has some 1985 whatever, whatever it is.

And then as a retailer, you need to find some way to basically make your, what’s your shop buy or Amazon, a big commerce. Talk to both of them. And maybe some suppliers have some direct connection. But typically most don’t. And then the ones that do might not play nice with others. So then you need to kind of, you know, say, Hey, this supplier only types of these products, this supplier only touched these.

So that’s what we kind of come in and traffic cop the in between. So we say these products have a supplier a these supplier B, that sort of thing. And kind of split them apart that way and help with that as well. 

Arlen: Gotcha. So I know one of the main questions that I know a lot of the business owners are, they’re probably wondering is, you know, it sounds great.

It sounds like this could definitely be a Bible solution if you’re looking to test the waters. Like I said, an example of the handbags for the women’s dress company, but the question that I have is. As far as from a coordination level. Let’s say you implement this solution, you’ve got customer a goes through, he purchases a woman’s dress in any a or she buys a handbag.

Along with that, as far as getting those items shipped and coordinating it, how exactly does that work and is it. Set up so that the person would receive the items approximately the same time, because essentially it’s one order. They’re putting both of these items in the cart, they’re checking out. It’s one order, so you know, they’re kind of expecting to get it raised sickly the same time.

How does that coordination work or is that really kind of depending on the relationship that you have with the suppliers? 

Charles: A lot of it depends on our relationship with the supplier. Some suppliers can ship it in a day or two, that sort of thing. Other is not so much. A lot of the. Newer shopping carts. I know Shopify and Melinda, I think big commerce is working on it.

You can basically, we can assign tracking at the item and even quantity level, and everyone’s kind of seen this, right? Wait, you place an order online for like three products. You say, Hey, these two are shipped in like the next day. You get like a completely different tracking. Number one, you get ups when you get FedEx and you’re like, Oh, why that will come from Pennsylvania that came from Chicago.

You know? It’s always like it’s going on there. That’s basically what just happened. And you get two boxes look completely different. They want to rise on Wednesday. One arrives on Thursday. That’s pretty much what’s happening in the background. Someone broke a pack that order, and then if you can do it well, and this has taken a bedroom, we’re able to actually talk to the suppliers and say, okay, you shipped half of this order, you ship these two skews, these quantities supplier be shipped.

The other remaining quantity of that steel and this third scale. A lot of the accounts we can even assign like row and quantity level tracking. If the supplier can provide us that data, so then the user knows what’s exactly in that box when they’re received. So they, it kind of sets expectations, right?

So they don’t get the boxes and say, Hey, only half my orders there. They might get a different day, but at least I know the other half is on the way. 

Arlen: Yeah, that makes sense. So I’m going to ask a question, but I think our may already know the answer to it. And then maybe some of our listeners are wondering as well, there’s some.

Companies that are eCommerce retailers that are, especially these days, you’ve got to really totally stand out from, you know, the whole customer experience these days is super analyzed and everyone is trying to. Optimize the entire customer’s journey from the minute they step to the or, they click and go on to the company’s website, to the checkout, all the way down to the filming and then receiving it.

And so a large part of that customer experience is going to be. When the customer receives the product and the the quote unquote unboxing, and I know there’s a lot of companies that are wondering, you know, how that experience is going to be, especially since they don’t, they’re not really controlling the fulfillment from these other distributors that are sending out these other complimentary products that they just decided to carry.

How are they able to control that? Or is it, does it really just come down to. Stipulations or terms that they have with that distributors such as the type of box, what’s actually in the box, how the items are packaged, that type of thing. Is it standard for a business to be able to set controls like that when they’re dealing with these distributors?


Charles: question. It depends, and I hate that answer, but it does depend, right? Where some of these shoes I talking about, some of these distributors, some of them. There are like the lower tear where they’ll sign up. Anyone. You kind of just send them orders and you kind of just like hope for the best. Right.

Then there are definitely a, there’s different areas, shades of gray in between, but then there’s a higher tear of ones that we’ll work with you on. Those sorts of things. Working in the box, the packaging, not all will do that, but usually the more. Choosy exclusive ones, we’ll do that. And depending on the volume that you’re doing as a retailer, you can usually kind of unlock the higher suppliers, the higher end ones, but it’s usually your relative size to their size.

If you’re just getting started, you’re probably starting with those entry level ones, but then usually people kind of step up from there and try to find. The more exclusive retailers. Right. 

Arlen: That’s kind of what I was thinking. It really always comes down to the money, you know, you show me the money and then you know, you can get whatever you want if you’re willing to pay for it.

So yeah, like you said, starting off. Yeah. You may have to be kind of at the whims of, of these distributors and basically just going to have to deal with however they’re packaging the product, however they’re sending it. But when you start doing a lot more volume, you have a lot more money to invest in.

And these other ancillary products, then you’ll have a little bit more controlling the overall experience of the packaging and the shipping and all of that. So yeah, that, that totally makes sense. 

Charles: We’ve even seen, actually for a large retailers, they’ve gone to some retailers actually to control that.

What they do, and this is usually on the larger scale, they actually go to the distributor and just buy the product ahead of time. So just submit like a larger bulk order, but don’t actually. Ship it. They just leave it sitting there and they build that relationship already on, okay, we’re going to send you the boxes, we’ll send you the, basically send them everything, but just you ship it for us.

So they basically use manufacturers as, they’re like three PL, right? So that then becomes their warehouse. They bought it. It’s their product. It’s just going to sit in the corner. And when an order comes in, Hey, it’s already allocated. So it’s their inventory, which is great because you don’t even have to deal with like a shared pool of inventory where.

Maybe there’s 10 left in stock and then another retailer fires in the order right before you’re in. Kind of can take all the stock, this larger retailers a lot. Just pre-purchasing inventory and just leave it sitting there. Go to save on shipping. Gotcha. 

Arlen: That makes a lot of sense. And I can definitely see where business could get to that point where they don’t want to be stuck in a position where somebody is ordering these items.

They ordered these add on items and it comes to the point where they’re, you know, they’re no longer in stock and all of that. You seem to be out of control as a business if you don’t have things in place. But yeah, I can definitely see how prepaying for these things and just having them all ready to go.

They’re just physically located, you know, at these other distributors or manufacturers. So, you know, just ready for your waiting for your orders. That really, totally makes a lot of sense. Now, um, you know, we talked a little bit about. Of course, as always mentioning things can definitely change. The more volume you do, the more money you’re making.

And you know, that can dictate this whole life cycle and how it really is going to be. So what are really the financial costs to just implementing this initially for this type of hybrid drop shipping solution? 

Charles: I mean, so back in the day when I did this, it was a lot of just manual stuff. I think I ended up hiring a few VA’s and when they’d have to take data and spreadsheets and like scrub the data and do all this, like manipulation, and then they would the time think I’m dating myself there, but log into Yahoo stores and then eventually Magento, you know, at one point, whatever, pull the auditor out.

They would build these like massive, odorless every day at like [5:00] PM. Send them to the vendor. So it was this huge like manual effort, which was fine for a little while, but then eventually kind of building the software that is massively helped. Again, you could do this all manually still. There’s nothing stopping anyone out there from just hiring a bunch of VA’s and just throwing an army of people at it.

But like we sell the software, it starts off at two 49 a month, and we basically. Yeah. I have connections into already, like over a hundred different suppliers. So those you can just kind of use. We can build the spoken to aggressions pretty quick and easy. So, you know, it’s definitely lowered the barriers to.

Getting into this as well. 

Arlen: Gotcha. That’s kind of what I figured these days with fast solutions such as yours, that lowers the barrier to entry for, for so many things, you know, because you’ve kind of, uh, like you said, you’ve evolved this from kind of doing things. Manually do dealing with VA’s. And so you’ve kind of seen the process from its whole evolution, and so now there’s software solutions such as yours that can make all this magic happen, so to speak.

So that’s definitely good to know. Now, another aspect of this, which we kind of touched on earlier, as far as. You know, you mentioned those companies that go ahead and do the pre-purchasing and they package everything, and it’s just sitting at these warehouses, these distributors, warehouses, just waiting for their customers.

So we have those companies that are at that level, but then we also have companies that are just starting off and you know, maybe testing the waters. Like I said, in the example of the dress company that’s looking to add handbags on this holiday season, you know, for those companies. Just starting this off, how exactly does the.

Management of the inventory work, especially if you’re dealing with, you know, multiple suppliers and distributors. It’s across different locations. What tools do you really need to have in place to make sure everything is sinked up properly? 

Charles: Yeah, so I mean, most suppliers should be sending you an inventory updates, hopefully at least hourly.

We see everything from real time. We can. Get like up to the second updates all the way down to they sound like once a quarter. I don’t know what that does for you, but sure. And some folks in it once a week, sometimes you get like a nightly inventory file, all that sort of things. But whole food, we would talking hourly, they all send it in a different way or you have to pull in a different way.

So you need some system, and this is kind of what we help with is to basically interpret that data. Right? Where one might have an API, one might be using EDI, the other one would I be. Putting a CSV and some FTP site and another one might like email you some spreadsheets. Do you need some way of basically taking all that data, merging it all together?

Basically processing it and understanding, okay. Out of, you know, these distributors have a million skews. I only really care about like 10,000 so let’s just get rid of all the other ones for now and out of that. Okay. How many have actually changed even in the past hour? Probably not that many. So let’s pull, you know, rip out all the ones that haven’t, we don’t care about those.

Okay. Now let’s look at the differentials and now let’s push that update up to a Shopify or an Amazon or wherever you’re selling. She basically keep those quantities up two days, and then one of the other neat things or just things to realize, right, is if it is a small retail or this is a shared pool of inventory, right?

Where if they, you know, if you’re talking large distributors and high volume products, if they have one left or maybe even five or 10 or whatever that number is, you might just want to go ahead and assume that zero, it’s probably safer than. You know, selling an Amazon and having to call those folks and cancel those orders.

Um, so we ask them tools and they had to basically set like a minimum or it falls below threshold. And that’s something that you don’t, if you don’t manually a hundred percent in Amazon or eBay, you definitely wanna do that in the market places. Say if it falls below X, depending on your supplier’s products, that risk tolerance.

You want to basically Mark that out of stock so that you know, another retail is not taking any of it from you ahead of time. So basically you wanna be able to cross that data as quick as possible. 

Arlen: I know how that could be very important. That makes a lot of sense. I was thinking about a lot of experiences that I have.

Uh, I’ve done a lot of home innovations over the years and I’ve been to the Lowe’s and the home Depot, and I always hate it when I go there. I’m trying to buy something and it can be like a large appliance, something like that. They can, they look in their system and they said, okay, looks like we’ve got one or two left.

And uh, yeah, things get a little hairy when, when it gets down to where they’re saying there’s what, Oh, there should be one in stock and doesn’t, then they got to go digging in the warehouse. And I see what you’re saying. You definitely have to have those thresholds in place because you don’t want to get to the point where somebody ordered it because your system really hasn’t kind of.

Shown it as being out of stock and thinks it’s there and then they order it and it’s not actually there. And then, you know, there’s a back order situation that just really makes it, makes the company look bad. So yeah, that makes a lot of sense. You know, having to have though those thresholds in place so you can eliminate things like that.

So that’s, um, yeah, I can definitely see how that works. 

Charles: And the neat thing, actually, what you’re saying about those different warehouses is, I don’t know if anyone else can do this, but we can. In our world, a product, and just kind of the way you should be thinking about as a retailer, I would say is a product is like a physical item, but each vendor has their own vendors.

Distributors in particular carry the same product, right? So you could have product a, and you might have it in your warehouse as a retailer, but you might have, or vendors with that exact same product. They might have different stocks and Michael in stock, out of stock, different unit costs with that, different shipping costs, that sort of thing.

So one thing that we do that’s pretty unique is Pullen. We can basically associate a product or a listing with multiple vendor products in the background, right? So you could say, we have this product, but also vendors a, B, and C have it. Let’s ship it to, if we have, if an order comes in. First, you know, if we have it, send it to us cause we want to fill it goal.

If not now look out to the distributed network. Okay. Who hasn’t stopped? Only those two. Okay. Out of those two, who can we get it for the cheapest? Who’s the cheapest shoe in a cost? Oh, listen to that one. So that allows you also to kind of manipulate pricing wise to where you’re always kind of get the more distributors you add, you can just associate them with the same products and just get better prices.

And one vendor might be better with some brands, others, other brands. So it allows you kind of really go hybrid that direction as well and get the best of both 

Arlen: worlds. Well, yeah, that’s some really cool stuff. Just thinking about how that happens kind of behind the scenes with the customers, not even really realizing what’s going on.

Yeah, it really is amazing. Just understanding this whole backend flow of. Somebody ordering and they need to get actually getting to them. It’s a, yeah, it really is amazing. And I always, um, I’m always intrigued by the whole fulfillment life cycle process and, uh, yeah, pretty cool stuff. Well, Charles, it’s been a pleasure having you on the podcast.

These are some topics that I’d never really discussed before on now I don’t think in any episode. And, um, yeah, it’s going to, it’s going to go a long way with our listeners. Especially, like I said, now we’re in the, the shopping season. You know, we’re in a. Mid to late December. So everybody is scrambling, you know, they make sure their stores are tight and they’re getting their orders fulfilled.

So I think this is going to go a long way and it’s not for this season. They’re definitely going to get people perked up and thinking about doing things for the, for the next holiday season for sure. So yeah. What I always like to do to close things out and to switch gears here, just so our audience can get to know you a little bit better, is why don’t you just share with us one fun fact that you can let our audience know about yourself.

Charles: Favorite food is Mexican, if that helps you. Never say no to good tacos and burritos. Okay. Anyone wants lunch? Let me know cause it’s good food. 

Arlen: Gotcha. Gotcha. That sounds awesome. Yeah. There’s a ton of great Mexican places here in the Orlando area, so if you ever come down this way, Michelle, look me up and we can hang out and 

Charles: I’ll take you up on that.

I never say no to Mexican food. Okay. Great. 

Arlen: Great. Well, yeah, definitely let me know that for sure. We appreciate you sharing that and I’m, you know, thank you again for being on the podcast. And lastly, what I was wanting to do is in case any of our listeners would like to pick your brain anymore about the topic of today, a hybrid drop shipping or just about anything e-commerce related, what is the best way for them to get in touch with you?

Charles: Yeah, so you can always check out spark shipping at  dot com my direct email is just Charles at spark shipping. I’m always on Twitter, Charles pal on Twitter, and then also I host a podcast called the business of eCommerce, so you can check that out too. We do some helpful e-commerce interviews as well. So definitely any of those will be, you can reach me pretty easily on any of those channels.

Arlen: Hey, great. Well that’s awesome. Well, thanks again, Charles. So we appreciate you coming on today, have a great rest of your day. 

Charles: Thank you. You as well. 

Podcast Guest Info

Charles Palleschi
Founder of Spark Shipping