Arlen Robinson ([00:01].741)
Welcome to the e-commerce marketing podcast everyone. My name is Arlen and I am your host. And today we have a very special guest, Kyle Stout, who is the founder of Elevate & Scale, a leading email marketing agency that helps direct-to-consumer brands unlock hidden revenue and put their sales on autopilot. Welcome to the podcast, Kyle.

Kyle ([00:28].144)
Thank you for having me.

Arlen Robinson ([00:29].649)
Yes. And thank you for joining me. And today, you know, we’ve got a hot topic that, um, hasn’t gone away. A lot of people thought it was going to go away. Email. We’re going to be talking about email marketing, but, uh, you know, as we’re going to get into it, we’ll, we’re going to quickly see that it’s, uh, yeah, it’s here to stay. And I think it’s probably bigger than ever. Um, so really excited to talk to, to you about that and to see what strategies are that you’re going to be able to provide our listeners and viewers that are we practical for their businesses.

But before we do get into all of that, why don’t you tell us a little bit more about your background and specifically how you got into what you’re doing today.

Kyle ([01:07].42)
Okay, yeah, so I started as a freelance copywriter back in 2013 and really I was just doing sales copy for businesses websites and doing a lot more on the blogging side as well. So blogging kind of tied to SEO. And as I started just taking on more copywriting projects from clients, email marketing being one of those things over time, I found that I enjoyed email marketing, but it was the

one of the areas where I was seeing the best results for clients and the most consistent results. So when I went to then start an agency, I knew that had to be the core service that I was gonna offer. Originally, I actually wanted to offer different services, a wide variety of services and try to be the all-in-one solution. And I quickly realized that it’s difficult to be great at everything. And I, you know,

pretty quickly just dialed back and honed in just on email marketing. And so we’ve been focusing on that ever since, since 2019. So email marketing and SMS, and we do a little bit of other stuff as that’s related to that, like helping people develop their rewards programs and basically, you know, little, little other retention marketing strategies that are really driven through email marketing that just might go a little bit beyond email marketing.

Arlen Robinson ([02:30].593)
Okay, great, great. That’s awesome. Well, yeah, thank you for sharing that. And yeah, it sounds like you’ve got kind of been in it for a little while and kind of know the landscape of things, which is, you know, this is always a good thing for sure. Now with, you know, the rise, everybody knows that there’s like a million and one marketing channels, you know, that you can advertise and market your business in. And so with the rise of all of these different digital channels, why do you think

email marketing still remains as just like the main pivotal D to C, uh, it may remain pivotal for D to C brands and you know, and what are some key metrics that a brand should, uh, use to track the success of email marketing campaigns.

Kyle ([03:16].652)
Yeah, so a couple of reasons why a lot of business owners love email marketing is it tends to be very cost effective. It tends to be very consistent from month to month. But one thing that I think business owners should also consider, especially now with the rise of social media and everything else is that it’s one of the, you know, nice benefits of email marketing is that you have a channel where you have direct access to your customers and leads where you can communicate with them directly.

on a platform you own as opposed to a social media channel where you might spend a bunch of time and money building up a big following. And then you get to where even the people who are following you don’t see all of your posts and you have to pay for them just to see, you know, your own followers to see your posts. Um, and I like that. I think that is something that, um, business owners, if they neglect email marketing for a while,

it’s one of their big regrets. They didn’t build their email list sooner because if they have an announcement, whether it’s sales driven or not, if it’s just something they need to get out to their community, then email again is the quickest, most direct way to get that message out. And of course, it’s also just great for driving sales. And then as far as metrics to track, so of course you wanna track your engagement metrics like opens and clicks.

But really for me, revenue is the most important thing for the business. And so I think that people, a lot of times they will just, they might look at, they’ll do some email blasts and they look at how much revenue that generated. But I like to look at different areas of the revenue with email. So for example, looking at first high level, just the total percentage of revenue that you get from email every month.

And so with e-commerce, the gold standard is 30%. So if you are generating 30% or more of your total revenue from email, then you’re doing a pretty good job with email. And you can really actually push that up to 40, 50% plus, which is what most of our clients are at right now. And so that’s a sign of a really strong, healthy sales channel that’s very cost-effective compared to your other sales channels. But then also when you’re looking at revenue,

Kyle ([05:34].676)
I like to, you know, from month to month track revenue of the different automated flows that you have, because a lot of times these things can indicate what’s going on. So for example, like, uh, if you notice a big change in the revenue from your welcome series and you’re running ads, then that might indicate that something changed with the quality of the traffic that’s coming into your site. If you’re, if the majority of your traffic is coming from ads.

Um, so yeah, it’s, you know, it’s not just like looking at total revenue. It’s looking at, okay, what’s the revenue from flow to flow and where do those tie into the sales process? And then also with campaigns, it’s, you know, we’re always trying to test different angles and different offers and looking at, okay, which things produced more sales. And you can go into the report and look at, cause sometimes those things can be misleading because

Um, you might have done a, an email about one particular product, but then most of the sales came from a completely different product from that email. Cause when people got on the site, they just found their way to the other product. And if you haven’t done an email around about that one, that’s a good indication that, oh, we need to do something, you know, around that particular product. But also it’s just again, from month to month, looking at those different angles, we, the, whether it’s the messaging angle or the offer that was being promoted in the email.

And over time, finding those winners and finding new ways to talk about those same products or new ways to maybe promote a different product or collection using a similar type of messaging angle based on what worked and what didn’t work from the months prior.

Arlen Robinson ([07:09].845)
Yeah, very, very true. Yeah, I mean, really, like you said, it’s really just kind of all about those, studying those metrics and seeing, you know, kind of where people are going and then what with your campaigns you really have to really decide what are some what’s your goal, I guess, with the particular campaign? Because a lot of times, like, you know, main metric, of course, is going to be increase in revenue, increase in sales. But.

that doesn’t necessarily have to always be the goal. It could just be raising awareness about a certain product line, not necessarily increasing the sales, but maybe you’re trying to warm people up towards a new feature, a new product line, and it could be done just by, you know, and you can analyze the results of that just by.

Um, you know, views of a page, how long people are on that page after they’ve come from the email campaign, how many times do they come back to it? So yeah, there’s a lot of things that you can, that you can do, um, to examine this, uh, to determine the success of it. Um, now what would you say are your top strategies for just organically building an email list? And, you know, once you have a list built, how would you recommend?

segmenting it for personalization and just getting the maximum impact of that particular campaign.

Kyle ([08:31].948)
Yeah. So the first thing is you want to have some sort of offer to get people on the list because just, you know, just trying to get people to sign up for exclusive content or the things that people would say in the past, it’s just not enough to get people to sign up nowadays. So with e-commerce, uh, what I find to work best are incentives that are tied to that first purchase, whether it’s, um, a discount or free shipping or a free gift, you know, something like that. And

Once you have that, now you want to actually let people know about it. So of course you can have the pop-up on the site, but assuming you’re, you’re posting on social media and doing everything else, you want to actually make that you want to bring it up pretty often. You want to make it easy for people to sign up. I think that’s a big thing that people neglect is on their social media, especially in the e-commerce space. They’re not really doing much to.

build their email lists straight from social media. A lot of times it’s just focused on sending people to the website or to a specific product page. And that’s a great way to get people in and then use that welcome series to nurture them and to get that first sale. Another thing that I’ve seen that’s been working really well over the last couple of years for some brands we work with are doing different collaborations with other brands.

And I will say that the one caveat here though, is that those other brands, their products need to compliment your products. Cause I have seen this where people get, they will do these like joint venture giveaways and different things and they get, uh, you know, several thousand people added to their list and those people just don’t care. They just weren’t interested. They were only there for the big free giveaway prize or whatever. But, um, what I have seen work.

better is when let’s say, you know, two brands or three brands, um, where the product, so for example, we have a brand, we, one of the companies we work with, they sell, um, roses, like book bouquets of roses. And then they did a collaboration with another company that so sold rose plants. And so this is, you know, they’re the products don’t overlap enough, but there’s clearly a very strong tied interest between the two that the people.

Kyle ([10:44].964)
People who are into growing roses are also into buying roses just to have in their house and to give away as gifts. And so that one worked really well. Um, and I’ve seen the same thing, uh, otherwise where brands have, they have some sort of crossover in their audiences. And again, that’s a great way to get people on the list, but then once you’ve got them on the list and you’re talking about, um, you know, how can you personalize more, so that’s where I like to use a lot of segmentation.

Arlen Robinson ([10:49].243)

Kyle ([11:10].532)
So for one, with your automated flows, you can have those set up to, you know, where you have behavior that they do, whether it’s, you know, viewing a specific product or adding a product to cart, you can have all of those automations set up. But on the campaign side, this is where you can really do a lot with segmentation. So by first creating these different segments, and some of the types of segments I would recommend creating would be engagement-based segments.

So this would be like a 30 day, a 60 day, a 90 day engagement group. And what that means is that those people have opened or clicked an email, or I also like to include as a rule in there that they visited the site within the last 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, whatever timeframes you wanna work with, those would be your engagement segments. And the thinking there is that the more engaged people are, the more emails they wanna get from you. And the more you would include them in a wider variety of emails.

as people start to get less engaged, and let’s say they haven’t opened their or clicked an email in 90 days, now you’re not gonna want to include them in all the emails because they have either, either they’re just not interested at all, or they’ve kind of gotten to a point where they need a little break, and I would reserve emails for them as being like the big announcements, so a new product launch, a big sale, those kind of things. And then for other types of segments, I like to do customer lifecycle segments, so segmenting your leads.

your one-time customers, your repeat customers, and your VIP customers, and then giving them different offers based on their purchase history. So with VIPs, giving them early access to promotions, or giving them early access to exclusive offers, or giving them specifically exclusive offers that are only for them. And you can also do product interest segments. I mean, you can do a wide variety of segments. You can segment based on location. You can segment based on gender.

And, but the thinking here is that when you have these different groups is that one, you want to cater the content to the group in that segment. So that way you’re speaking more specifically to them and the email feels more personalized for them. But the other thing that this allows you to do is it allows you to over time, let’s say in a 30 day period, send more emails without sending every email to everyone on your list. So you’re able to get more messages out there. They’re more personalized.

Arlen Robinson ([13:13].525)

Arlen Robinson ([13:30].177)

Kyle ([13:33].648)
you’re hopefully able to generate more sales, but you’re not just constantly hammering your list with emails while you’re doing that. So that’s a great strategy for scaling up the campaign side of your email marketing sales channel, again, while protecting email deliverability and protecting unsubscribe rates and things like that.

Arlen Robinson ([13:55].741)
Yeah. I’m glad you mentioned that. That is a key strategy because you would think that, you know, and a lot of brands think that, you know, you got to hammer your list. You got to consistently mail, you know, every week, a couple of times a week, but then, you know, you’re, you’re definitely running the risk of, um, you know, increasing your own subscribe rate. You’re, you’re running the risks of, um, you know, people marking you as spam, ending up, you know, on some spam lists and that type of thing. Uh, and so yeah, I, I see by just separating it.

into those different segments. Yeah, you can actually increase, like you said, the volume of the people that you’re sending out to. You’re just doing it to different groups of people. So essentially, you’re still sending a lot of emails. It’s just not going to the same people every time. It’s just different sets of people, which yeah, definitely makes sense for sure. I think it’s just a lot of times me personally dealing with other e-commerce businesses.

when you talk about segmenting, people kind of get a little bit, a little antsy because they’re like, okay, what is it gonna take for me to segment the list? Is it a huge process? But the good thing is that with all of these tools that are available, such as like the Claviyos of the world and some of these other email marketing and email automation tools, they make it fairly easy to…

to create a segmented list and then create multiple campaigns and variations of the same campaign where you’re able to kind of clone. Let’s say you have an initial email, but you want it to be the base of it the same, but just slightly different, tailored for a certain group. You could just clone that, make those changes and this easily set up those campaigns within the same system. So yeah, it’s good to know you can do that.

Kyle ([15:50].192)
Yeah, that’s really important because it sounds complicated and it’s really not. It’s, it’s if you don’t know how to do it for most, if you’re an e-commerce business and you’re using Klaviyo or Drip or one of the others, you’re probably one five minute YouTube video away from, or article on their site from figuring it out and it’s not, like you said, it’s really, it’s way more approachable than people think it’s just sitting down to do it. And, um, once you start.

Arlen Robinson ([15:54].401)

Arlen Robinson ([16:08].243)

Kyle ([16:20].072)
Yeah. So if your email tool doesn’t have a segmentation feature, a lot of times they’ll have something called a smart list. So creating a smart list, or you can at least tag people. You can tag contacts in your, um, in your email list at that’s like the most basic level of how you can start to do segmentation by tagging people when they click links or different things. So, um, yeah, it’s really not as complicated as it seems.

And I think it actually makes email marketing easier because the one of the hard parts for people is coming up with new ideas. And when you’re writing to a more specific audience, it’s to me, it makes it a little easier because now we can, it just narrows down the options of what we could say in this email in the first place.

Arlen Robinson ([17:03].229)
Yeah, exactly. So yeah, good, good to know. Um, now I think one of the things that a lot of businesses struggle with when it’s, when it comes to the content of these emails and email marketing campaign is, is really a balance of value, um, promotional materials. And of course you want to promote your products and services. That’s kind of the main goal and people are excited to do that.

but then also you got to provide value. So I mean, how do you balance value, promotional content versus value driven content in these emails? And what would you say are some elements that you found most effective in creating high converting emails for DTC brands?

Kyle ([17:47].744)
Okay, so the first thing is just to consider the context of, you know, when someone’s receiving this email, who’s receiving it. Um, so for example, if we’re dealing with abandonment, automated emails, like the browse abandonment, abandoned checkout, those kinds of emails. Now these people are active in the sales process. They’re just, they’re just, you know, they just need a little nudge to move forward because there are, they’ve already started shopping. They’ve already, and they’ve likely already started the checkout process.

So you can be a little bit more promotional than you would in, let’s say, the average email that you send out because you know that they’re just right there. They just need that little nudge. In other cases with flows like the welcome series or the post purchase flow, those flows is gonna be kind of a catch all where the interest level of buying right now is gonna be different for everyone who’s in that flow. Once I get through those,

Like let’s for example, with the welcome series, you know, we’re trying to get that first sale in those first, you know, three, four emails as we’re introducing the brand, we’re introducing, uh, the unique value props for introducing the products, uh, things like that. As we go further along in that flow, I start to implement more of an every other email cadence where every other email is purely value driven. And then the one after will be a little bit more promotional.

and the one after will be a lot more value driven and then so on. And I do that in some of the longer flows. Now for the campaigns that you’re sending out, unless it’s, um, you know, a new product launch or a holiday sale or something, I like to combine both in, in all the emails for the most part. So meaning that the email provides some level of value and you don’t have to be.

Um, super salesy with the call to action. So for example, if you are selling, um, let’s say you’re selling supplements, right. And you’re targeting a segment of people who are interested in fat loss. You can just have an email that’s, you know, all about certain tips for losing fat or certain tips for, um, shopping for affordable organic groceries, you know, something specific and something useful.

Kyle ([19:57].516)
And then at the end of the email, you would tie in a product that’s most relevant to the message of the email and you have a nice call to call to action area. And so that’s a way where for the people who weren’t in the market to buy today, they at least got something interesting or useful out of the email and it keeps them engaged, keeps them wanting to open future emails, even if they weren’t going to buy today. And then for the people who are in the market to buy right now.

Arlen Robinson ([20:04].611)

Kyle ([20:22].148)
You’ve provided a lot of value for them and you’ve hopefully had a nice segue into the offer to where it’s just a no brainer for them to go ahead and make that purchase right now. So that’s the, I would say that’s my go-to approach for combining both. We’re trying to, um, you know, I, I’ll call it having a reason to show up in their inbox. So like the, the main message of the email is

Arlen Robinson ([20:36].737)
Yeah. Mm-hmm.

Kyle ([20:46].176)
Um, something that we’ve decided is it would be interesting or useful or, or entertaining or something like that. That’s goes beyond the sale. But then we always tie in a relevant angle for anyone who is in the market to buy to make it easy for them to buy right now. And then, um, so a few things that, cause you were asking about, you know, things that people can do to, for high converting emails, a few things that I would say to include in this, these can go in really any emails.

Um, whether they’re flows or campaigns, but these are things that will, uh, that are really, you know, not salesy, but they will help increase sales would be, um, I like to, you know, tackle objection busters. So having FAQs. So if you’re talking about a specific product, include some FAQs in the email itself. So that way, um, they don’t even have to go to the product page to get that information. And it just helps, you know, ease their concerns.

Um, customer reviews are huge. We like to use customer reviews and UGC really often, actually. We like to use those in, uh, more emails than we don’t. And then also one that we do with certain brands that, uh, has been, has gotten a really positive response from people is, uh, like offering customer support. So if you sell products that are a little bit more complicated. So for example, we work with a company that sells custom parts for motorcycles.

Arlen Robinson ([22:10].71)

Kyle ([22:10].8)
And, you know, a big concern for people is, is this going to fit my bike? Is this going to be difficult to install? Is this the actual, you know, the right part and all these different things. And so with them, we’re, we’re very upfront of giving the, uh, support email and the support phone number and really in like encouraging them, Hey, call us our guys, you know, all the guys in our shop, they, they ride these bikes, they build these bikes all the time. They know what they’re doing. They want to help. Um, of course, you know, you have to have a team that

wants to deal with the extra customer service if you’re going to do that. But that’s something that where people have responded very favorably, they think it’s because it’s it stands out a lot of companies aren’t, you know, being that aggressive about inviting customer service requests. And so again, it just it’s the sale becomes really easy because they wanted the part and they just had some concerns about it. They get on the phone with one of the guys in the shop and then they make the sale they make the purchase right there on the phone.

Arlen Robinson ([22:43].15)
Right. Hmm.

Arlen Robinson ([22:54].655)

Arlen Robinson ([23:10].237)
Yeah, yeah. Gotcha. Yeah. I can see how that’s, um, you know, just kind of highlighting those things or something that can make your, your campaign just stand out amongst others. And, um, we’re definitely going to kind of get those click throughs, so, you know, a little bit higher. Um, now when we’re thinking about, um, these emails where you’re getting people opted in, whether it’s various places of the website, whether it’s from your social media.

And these are the regular lifecycle emails where you’re trying to bring someone from the, um, you know, the bottom of the funnel to the top of the funnel and eventually to the sale. Um, you mentioned some key, high converting emails, but is there one essential email automation that you think like every e-commerce brand should have um, when it comes to those type of full lifecycle emails.

Kyle ([24:01].812)
Well, there’s three that I would say you have to have. So the welcome series is probably the most essential because that’s the one that people are gonna opt into whenever they sign up on your site for the first time. But most businesses will at least have one email going for that. Abandoned checkout is also essential because people can opt in through the two step order form on your site, whereas they can’t opt in through

Arlen Robinson ([24:05].428)

Kyle ([24:30].476)
abandoning their cart or doing browse abandonment, they have to already be on your list to get those. So that’s another one that you want to have sooner rather than later. But one that I think it’s a little bit overlooked is the post-purchase flow. This is the flow that people get after they’ve made their purchase and what I like to do with this flow is so people will typically have you know a thank you email and maybe they’ll follow up with some other emails that you know encourage them to make another purchase.

Well, this one, I like to customize it to where when for the first purchase, the second purchase and a third purchase. And sometimes we even go beyond that, but a lot of times we’re really looking at those first three purchases and, you know, just considering where they are, uh, when they receive these and, you know, how would you want to tailor the message or what are the logical next purchases for them? So for example, if you, let’s say you have 10 products and one product.

tends to drive the majority of sales for new customers, then you know that, okay, in that post-purchase flow for a new customer, of course you wanna thank them and all of that, and you can also add in things like review requests and UGC requests, those are things that are really useful for you, but then you also wanna include some educational emails on some of the other products that.

maybe they are not the thing that the customer wanted upfront, but they’re the things they actually need. And so they bought the thing that they wanted. Now you’re educating them on the other things that they need. And that’s where you can. So our, our goal is when we’re looking at these different customer groups is we’re trying to get people to go from leads to VIPs over time. We’re trying to get them to make that first purchase, that second purchase and, and down the line until however that company defines their VIPs, which is usually a

Arlen Robinson ([25:59].391)

Kyle ([26:22].456)
based around a dollar amount they’ve spent or based on an amount of purchases they’ve made. So that’s a really important flow. A lot of times people, again, they just have a thank you email and a review request in there. And it’s pretty common to see people customize for the new customer and then the returning customer, but not to go down specifically to the number of purchases to where…

Arlen Robinson ([26:27].039)

Kyle ([26:46].596)
you know, the person who made their third or fourth purchase isn’t getting the exact same emails that the people who made their second purchase are because for one, they’ve probably seen those emails already now. And for two, by the time someone makes a fourth purchase from you or third purchase, I mean, this person like, they’re very familiar with your brand. So you can talk to them very differently. You can talk to them like they’re a friend, you don’t have to educate them on, you know, all of the things about your brand that sets you guys apart.

Arlen Robinson ([27:06].779)

Kyle ([27:13].32)
Now it’s more it’s actually there are more advanced customers so you can get a little bit more advanced with them with how you talk about your products and that just goes back to the whole personalization piece and the more you can personalize for those life cycles, the more enjoyable it is for them to get those emails and the easier it is for them to buy from you.

Arlen Robinson ([27:30].609)
Yeah, yeah, definitely, definitely. Yeah. Those are some great examples and I can definitely see how those, um, are sometimes overlooked, but they should be a part of anybody’s, um, kind of automations for sure. Um, well, Kyle was, we get ready to wrap things up. I wanted to see, how do you envision just the future of email marketing, you know, in general for G D to see brands over just the next five years. And, you know, are there any strategies that you would, um, say that a brand should adopt?

now, you know, just to kind of stay ahead of the curve.

Kyle ([28:04].044)
Yeah. So I don’t know if this, if we’ll totally be here in five years, but the future that I envisioned for email marketing is hyper personalized. So, you know, we’re doing a lot of things now to try to personalize emails as much as we can. So like we’ve talked about segmentation and personalizing the content, but with the advancements in AI and just the insane amount of data that’s out there, that’s being collected by all the different tech software we use and the websites we visit.

I think we will get to a place in the future where emails can be personalized to the individual, meaning that whenever you send out an email to let’s say, you know, 5,000 people that the copy in the email and the products being promoted in the email, like let’s just say you pick a theme for the email and then those the copy in the products being promoted will be tailored specifically to that individual person.

Arlen Robinson ([28:47].861)

Arlen Robinson ([29:02].698)

Kyle ([29:03].12)
based on all the different things, where they’re shopping all across the internet, not just what they’re doing with your website, right? And so knowing that this person has bought these in the last three months, has bought these 10 different products from these six different companies, AI would be able to have a much clearer profile of, okay, what is this person really interested in? Who are they? I think that’s where we’re gonna get to. I don’t know if it will be in five years though. But…

Arlen Robinson ([29:09].409)
Yeah. Mm-hmm.

Arlen Robinson ([29:19].349)

Arlen Robinson ([29:26].085)
Right? Yeah. Gotcha, gotcha.

Kyle ([29:32].196)
That to me is also what we should be striving for as email marketers as well. So getting, trying to personalize emails more. So some things to start doing now would be leveraging segmentation if you’re not doing that already. Start tracking the behavior of your contacts more. So setting up more automations to tag them whenever they click specific links or when they visit certain pages. And again, a lot of these can be set up where you have segments that track these things.

In Klaviyo, there’s a cool feature where you can do an engagement report of your segments. And so you just click this button and it generates a report and it will show you the engagement for that segment. It’ll show their open rates, their click rates, it’ll show you how long they’ve been on your list, it will show you their average order value. So these are things where if you’re doing engagement reports on your leads and your one-time customers and your VIP customers and all that.

you can get an idea of, okay, how long are people on my list before they become a one-time customer or a repeat customer or a VIP customer and, um, and, you know, how much are they spending? So now we can craft the offers for these different segments based around how much they’re already spending and things like that. So it’s, you know, it’s not, I mean, this requires more work on our part to do these things, but

Arlen Robinson ([30:47].893)

Kyle ([30:50].968)
we are manually getting to where we are reaching that personalization that I think we’re gonna get to and it’s gonna be much easier to do in the future. But by doing that, again, it’s all about, you want people to continue engaging with the emails because the longer they stay on there and the more they open, they are eventually going to buy and make repeat purchases. So we wanna make this enjoyable for people to receive your emails. So then the more you personalize it and the more you are.

Arlen Robinson ([30:55].882)

Arlen Robinson ([30:59].433)

Arlen Robinson ([31:15].436)

Kyle ([31:19].096)
really trying to understand them and you’re tracking their behavior, the easier it’s gonna be on your part to make those emails more personalized and make it an enjoyable experience for people.

Arlen Robinson ([31:28].481)
Yeah, yeah, for sure. Yeah, definitely well said. I totally agree with you. This hyper personalization is where it does seem like everything is headed because of the rise of all of this data. And because of us being able to get access to the data on top of the AI tools, being able to associate all of these large data sets with an individual user. So yeah, I definitely see that’s where it’s at. And you know, you really.

truly being able to target people that have, you know, interest down to a really specific granular level that you know will coincide with, you know, your products, the needs that customer has and the benefits that your product will provide that customer. So yeah, I can definitely see it. That’s really where everything is going for sure. Well, Kyle, this has been an awesome…

discussion. I’ve loved talking to you about this email marketing because as we see it’s, um, you know, there’s this, we’re, we’re kind of, um, a ways with email work has been around for a long time. It’s definitely here to stay and it’s just really only going to, um, to grow and just mature, um, as time moves on, um, in the kind of whole world of digital marketing. Um, now lastly, before we do let you go, um, I’m always interested.

to know, for our audience to get to know you just a little bit better. So if you don’t mind sharing one closing fun fact about yourself that you think we’d be interested to know.

Kyle ([33:02].552)
Yeah. Uh, well, so one thing that came to mind is, um, I used to do online fitness coaching. So, um, I have a lot of, you know, it’s funny because I enjoy email marketing and a lot of times people talk about, you know, doing everything that you’re passionate about and people ask like, well, you know, are you really that passionate about email marketing? And the thing is I really just passionate about helping people. And this is just the one way that I have been helping people most consistently.

Arlen Robinson ([33:22].89)
Right, hey.

Arlen Robinson ([33:31].219)

Kyle ([33:31].312)
for a long time, but outside of that, I actually used to work with people online doing fitness coaching and helping people lose weight, get ready for their honeymoon, all that kind of stuff. And it was a lot of fun and it was very fulfilling.

Arlen Robinson ([33:36].353)
Mm-hmm. Okay.

Arlen Robinson ([33:44].133)
Okay. That’s awesome. That’s awesome. Yeah. Great. Thank you for sharing that. Appreciate that. Um, yeah, I can definitely see how that could be very fulfilling because you can see, you know, where someone starts at and then, you know, towards the end of your sessions or however long you work with them, you know, where they are, hopefully they’re at a better, better level. You know, that’s kind of your goal. So yeah, I can definitely see how that would be really, uh, really good, uh, to see somebody’s whole journey like that.

Kyle ([34:05].849)

Arlen Robinson ([34:12].213)
Well, thanks again for sharing that. I appreciate that. And lastly, before we do let you go, if any of our listeners and viewers want to reach out to you and pick your brain anymore about email marketing, what’s the best way for them to reach you?

Kyle ([34:24].28)
Yeah, the best place is to go to and you can schedule a call there.

Arlen Robinson ([34:29].589)
All right, that’s awesome. We’ll have that link in the show notes and I definitely encourage people to check out your website and reach out to you, you know, if they have any further questions. Well, thank you, Kyle, for joining us. It’s been awesome talking to you about email marketing. We really appreciate you coming on to the email marketing podcast.

Podcast Guest Info

Kyle Stout
Founder of Elevate & Scale